With its early evenings and foggy mornings, November is the perfect month to slow down a little. Get some peace and quiet with 10 gems from our catalog.
Lately, most of us spent more time than we wanted In the Closed Room. But for a shy girl whose family does some house sitting in the suburbs, this becomes a blessing when she discovers a new playmate there. Find out more in the story by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
When Bliss Perry wanted to be left alone, he went out to the river for a bit of fishing and thinking. However, as he was Fishing With a Worm, he found himself lured just as much as the fish he was trying to catch…
Being a loner is perfectly fine, just try not to count among The Bores when you do socialize. Moliere penned this comedy to entertain the king of France in only 15 days. What’s it about… well, listen for yourself!
15-year-old Maude is serious about finding out what to do with her life. So, she writes poetry contrasting religious devotion and her budding wordly desires. This novella by Christina Rossetti is believed to be autobiographical.
No doubt a biography is The Quiet Flame by Eva K. Betz. It is about the quiet heroine Mother Marianne of Molokai, who spent 30 years working tirelessly in the leper colony of the same name.
When an idealistic American went to fight in WWI, he may have wanted to return as a hero in the novel by Claude Washburn. Instead, The Lonely Warrior comes home disillusioned, and, leaving his fiancée to fend for herself, he retreats into apathy.
Army captain Randolph B. Marcy was positioned in the vanguard at the time of the American pioneers. His 1859 guide book The Prairie Traveller gives 28 itineraries and explains what to do on a solo trip through the wilderness.
Not entirely on his own is Harry Walton, the new vicar of Marshmallows. However, there is something wrong in the little town… He lays out his suspicions in Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood, a novel by George MacDonald.
Even more quiet are the surroundings of the protagonist in Bruno Frank’s novella Im dunkeln Zimmer. Suffering from an eye disease, he is advised to stay in a darkened room, with only the doctor and a nurse coming to visit. Soon, his imagination runs wild…
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps had lots of imagination, and 64 of her poems are collected under the title Songs of the Silent World and Other Poems. Plenty of topics to think about!
Enjoy – and take some time out if you can!