Heavy storms are raging all over the world at this time of the year. Better to stay indoors and experience them second hand with 10 gems from our catalogue.
Travelling through a rainstorm along a dike in Northern Frisia, a man sees another plunging himself into the floods. In a nearby tavern he is told the story of The Rider on the White Horse, written down by Theodor Storm. This recording is also available in the original German.
A Typhoon is bad enough when it hits land, but in a small ship on the ocean it is even more devastating. Read Joseph Conrad’s exciting and highly detailed account of how the Nan-Shan came through the storm.
Similar things happened to Code Schofield, but he has lost his schooner to the gale. He returns home to find people turning against him in The Harbor of Doubt. Will he be able to dispel all suspicions in the novel by Frank Williams?
Charles Fort’s Book of the Damned also deals with suspicious things: weather anomalies and non-water based things falling from the skies are only some of the strange phenomena treated in this book.
Damned to live their lives on a deserted island are Prospero and Miranda, until The Tempest caused by Prospero brings the culprit Antonio onto his shores… Find out in Shakespeares play what Prospero will do to seek revenge.
Earthquake island is where Tom and his crew end up after their airship crashes because of a hurricane. Will Tom Swift and his Wireless Message be enough to save everybody? Read the book by Victor Appleton to see what they will do.
If Tom had made proper Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air, he may not have crashed in the first place. Joseph Priestley talks about different gases, measures their volumes and conductivity and their effects on living beings.
Almost with scientific precision did some Australian poets go about making money. Being paid by the word, they started The Bush Debate among them, a back and forth publishing storm written for the Weekly Bulletin of 1892.
Much less planned is the stormy relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine of Wuthering Heights. Emily Brontë’s only novel tells about the thwarted love between the couple and how it finally destroys them all.
Rainstorms, as destructive as they may seem, are an important part of nature. Steve Solomon describes what to do if there are no storms – and hence, no water – in his fascinating book Gardening without Irrigation.
Enjoy – and may you weather all storms!
This is very usful indeed.Iam very happy to be here. thanks