In Flanders Fields

Posted on November 11, 2008 by | Posted in Podcast | Comments: 2 Comments on In Flanders Fields

In Flanders Fields, by John McCrae.

Read by Gord, Kristen, Kara, Mike, Randomdad, Mark, and me. I believe it was our first “weekly poem,” and was Mike’s idea. They were all recorded around November 11 (Remembrance Day in commonwealth countries), 2005.

For all the renditions, see here.

Here is the music remix, by Euterpe Archipelago.

And here is Mike’s rendition:




  1. Wow, quite the flashback. Thanks for reposting them! I miss having time to keep up with Librivox doings (not to mention participating) and it’s nice to remember that the stuff I participated in way back when is still out there.

    rfrancis (or “randomdad”)

  2. daniele says:

    Danse russe remix is the best though :P

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