Short Poetry Collection 255


This is a collection of 38 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during August 2024.

Genre(s): Poetry

Language: English

Group: Short Poetry Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 Admetus Emma Lazarus Etext Arden
00:29:12 en
Play 02 Acceptance Robert Frost Etext Winston Tharp
00:01:11 en
Play 03 Afternoon on a Hill Edna St. Vincent Millay Etext minneapolis
00:00:40 en
Play 04 Armageddon Amy Redpath Roddick Etext Bruce Kachuk
00:01:02 en
Play 05 The Ballad of Yukon Jake Edward E. Jr. Paramore Etext Alan Mapstone
00:07:29 en
Play 06 Before the Cross Louis Fitzgerald Benson Etext Larry Wilson
00:01:24 en
Play 07 A Birthday-Wish George MacDonald Etext Michael MacTaggert
00:00:33 en
Play 08 Derelict Young E. Allison Etext Fenman
00:05:26 en
Play 09 The Gates of Prayer Josephine Pollard Etext Larry Wilson
00:02:08 en
Play 10 The Gentlemen of Oxford Norah Mary Holland Etext Alan Mapstone
00:02:25 en
Play 11 Hope and Patience George MacDonald Etext Michael MacTaggert
00:00:36 en
Play 12 Influence of Natural Objects in calling forth and strengthening the Imagination in Boyhood and Early Youth William Wordsworth Etext Peter Tucker
00:03:07 en
Play 13 The Leaf in the Book Anastasius Grün Etext Newgatenovelist
00:00:45 en
Play 14 Magdalene R. W. MacKenna Etext Larry Wilson
00:02:13 en
Play 15 Methought I saw my late espoused saint John Milton Etext Barty Begley
00:01:47 en
Play 16 Natalia's Resurrection Wilfrid Scawen Blunt Etext Arden
00:22:09 en
Play 17 Negro Speaks of Rivers Langston Hughes Etext Rayna J. Carter
00:01:07 en
Play 18 Nutting William Wordsworth Etext Peter Tucker
00:02:44 en
Play 19 On Poverty Thomas Flatman Etext Public Domain Scholar
00:02:09 en
Play 20 On Reading some Imagist Verses Amy Redpath Roddick Etext Bruce Kachuk
00:00:55 en
Play 21 O there are spirits of the air Percy Bysshe Shelley Etext Barty Begley
00:03:28 en
Play 22 Our Art Amy Redpath Roddick Etext Bruce Kachuk
00:01:51 en
Play 23 Piano D. H. Lawrence Etext Barty Begley
00:02:10 en
Play 24 Projector Anonymous Etext Winston Tharp
00:03:29 en
Play 25 A Requiem Ernest Dowson Etext Dale Grothmann
00:01:41 en
Play 26 The Ring Anastasius Grün Etext Newgatenovelist
00:01:56 en
Play 27 September George Arnold Etext Ike Sherr
00:02:27 en
Play 28 The Simplon Pass William Wordsworth Etext Peter Tucker
00:01:10 en
Play 29 Sonnet Edwin Arlington Robinson Etext Winston Tharp
00:01:11 en
Play 30 The Story of the Grail Hermann Lingg Etext Alan Mapstone
00:03:49 en
Play 31 Tannhauser Emma Lazarus Etext Arden
00:59:52 en
Play 32 The Tears of Man Anastasius Grün Etext Newgatenovelist
00:01:33 en
Play 33 Thrice Happy He William Drummond of Hawthornden Etext Ike Sherr
00:01:16 en
Play 34 To My Friends George MacDonald Etext Michael MacTaggert
00:01:12 en
Play 35 To the Not Impossible Him Edna St. Vincent Millay Etext minneapolis
00:00:53 en
Play 36 The White Moth Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch Etext ToriBee
00:02:00 en
Play 37 Witch-Wife Edna St. Vincent Millay Etext minneapolis
00:00:51 en
Play 38 A Wood Song Ralph Hodgson Etext Ike Sherr
00:00:50 en