Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 039


Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include literary figures--Alice Mangold Diehl, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Arthur Hugh Clough; philosophers--Hegel, Kierkegaard; religious thinkers--Martin Luther, Cotton Mather; political leaders--Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy; important documents--the Constitution of Japan (1946), the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom; moments in history--the Battle of the Crater, the Dred Scott Decision; historical figures--the Pseudo Dionysius and Xenophon; and, lastly, shopper's tips for watermelons and cantaloupes. (Summary by Sue Anderson)

Hegel's The Problem was translated by William T. Harris
Xenophon's On Horsemanship was translated by Morris H. Morgan

Genre(s): *Non-fiction, Essays & Short Works

Language: English

Group: Short Nonfiction Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 Address of Senator John F. Kennedy to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association, September 12, 1960 John F. Kennedy Etext Michele Fry
00:10:54 en
Play 02 The Anti-intellectualism of Kierkegaard David F. Swenson Etext Craig Campbell
00:05:55 en
Play 03 Battle of the Crater and Experiences of Prison Life Sumner Upham Shearman Etext MaryAnn
00:35:14 en
Play 04 The Constitution of Japan, 1946 Government of Japan Etext Availle
00:41:51 en
Play 05 Darwinism Verified John Fiske Etext Mr5th
00:42:15 en
Play 06 The Dred Scott Decision, A History John Hay Etext Michele Fry
00:41:54 en
Play 07 John Faust or Fust John Gorton Etext Craig Campbell
00:03:01 en
Play 08 Letter to C. E. Norton, Esq., Downing Street, June 23, 1858 Arthur Hugh Clough Etext Newgatenovelist
00:02:17 en
Play 09 Life of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Chapter 18, on Apparitions Charles Edward Stowe Etext Michele Fry
00:44:39 en
Play 10 Miss Alice Mangold's Soiree Musicale Anonymous Etext Newgatenovelist
00:01:48 en
Play 11 Mystic Theology Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite Etext Eric Metzler
00:17:23 en
Play 12 On Horsemanship - Xenophon Xenophon Etext Son of the Exiles
00:54:06 en
Play 13 Philosophy of Religion Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Etext Craig Campbell
00:04:12 en
Play 14 The Problem Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Etext Craig Campbell
00:04:12 en
Play 15 Shopper's Tips for Watermelons and Cantaloupes United States Department of Agriculture Etext Sue Anderson
00:08:51 en
Play 16 To a Stranger Martin Luther Etext Craig Campbell
00:09:45 en
Play 17 The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Thomas Jefferson Etext Michele Fry
00:06:23 en
Play 18 Wonders of the Invisible World, IV and V Cotton Mather Etext Michele Fry
00:25:30 en