
Johanna Spyri (1827 - 1901)
Translated by Elisabeth P. Stork (1888 - 1968)

"Mäzli" may be pronounced the most natural and one of the most entertaining of Madame Spyri's creations. The atmosphere is created by an old Swiss castle and by the romantic associations of the noble family who lived there. Plot interest is supplied in abundance by the children of the Bergmann family with varying characters and interests. A more charming group of young people and a more wise and affectionate mother would be hard to find. Every figure is individual and true to life, with his or her special virtues and foibles, so that any grown person who picks up the volume will find it a world in miniature and will watch eagerly for the special characteristics of each child to reappear. Naturalness, generosity, and forbearance are shown throughout not by precept but by example. The story is at once entertaining, healthy, and, in the best sense of a word often misused, sweet. Insipid books do no one any good, but few readers of whatever age they may be will fail to enjoy and be the better for Mäzli. (Summary from the Foreword, written by Charles Wharton Stork)

Genre(s): Children's Fiction

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 00 00 - Foreword Daryl Wor
Play 01 01 - In Nolla Daryl Wor
Play 02 02 - Divers Worries Daryl Wor
Play 03 03 - Castle Wildenstein Daryl Wor
Play 04 04 - An Unexpected Apparition Daryl Wor
Play 05 05 - Oppressive Air Daryl Wor
Play 06 06 - New Friends Daryl Wor
Play 07 07 - The Mother's Absence Has Consequences Daryl Wor
Play 08 08 - Maezli Pays Visits Daryl Wor
Play 09 09 - In The Castle Daryl Wor