April 4th is International Children’s Day. Sadly, all of us have to grow up at some point, but why not try and recapture a child-like spirit with 10 gems from our catalog.
Nothing helps better with this than the classic stories by the Brothers Grimm, Aesop, H. C. Andersen… Augusta Stevenson took 17 of them and turned these Children’s Classics into Dramatic Form.
Other cultures have their own classics, of course. An anonymous author travelled to Persia, India, China, Indonesia, and Japan and collected local folklore for The Jade Story Book: Stories from the Orient.
Let’s move on to the interior of Brazil and the farm where Lucie lives. José Monteira Lobato tells of her adventures with her family and their farm animals in A menina do narizinho arrebitado.
Thornton W. Burgess wrote 150 books for children, and almost all involve animals. One of these books features Little Joe Otter and Peter Rabbit as they are going on adventures along the river and in the woods of the countryside.
In the Italian city of Siena, a dangerous horse race called the Palio is taking place each year. When Giorgio Terni meets a cart horse with Arabian blood, he is determined to take part. Find out how they fare in Gaudenzia, Pride of the Palio by Marguerite Henry.
If the two did win the race, maybe they received some Sugar Plums? Ella Farman Pratt wrote 25 poems for children in this collection. They run the gamut of life’s experiences, from beauty to sorrow and everything in between.
For real sweets, look no further than The Mary Frances Cook Book. Jane Eayre Fryer presents easy recipes for kids and intersperses them with charming little stories featuring kitchen utensils.
Just as important as cooking is mathematics. Jean Macé teaches basic arithmetic as well as fractions and how to read the time in the lovely little book L’ Arithmétique de Mademoiselle Lili.
Famous historical figures surely knew their math, especially greats like David Livingstone, Joan of Arc, and Elizabeth & Raleigh. Hear all about them and their True Stories of Wonderful Deeds.
Writing a novella at age nine definitely counts as such, and the girl who did that was Daisy Ashford. Her parody of Victorian society The Young Visiters features social climbers, innocent love and the perfect behaviour for gentlemen.
Enjoy – and have fun with your (inner) child!