January, 2019

Highlighting language diversity

Posted on January 6, 2019 by | Posted in Blog, News | Comments: 1 Comment on Highlighting language diversity

Happy New Year 2019!

In 2018, our readers, proof listeners, and coordinators have been hard-working as ever. We have completed 1037 projects last year! Among these are works of fiction and non-fiction, poetry, dramas, short story collections and long novels. We have also completed 120 projects in languages other than English! Let some of our readers recommend projects completed in 2018 to you.

Leni starts us off with a recommendation of Contos in Portuguese:

“Os Contos de Eça de Queirós são uma recolha póstuma de algumas das melhores narrativas curtas do autor português, mais conhecido talvez por seus romances. Ainda assim, seus contos, publicados em revistas e jornais, são alguns dos melhores da língua portuguesa. Vários deles foram e são ainda hoje usados em escolas, vestibulares e concursos, traduzidos para outras línguas e adaptados para outros meios, o que demonstra a sua vitalidade e importância.”

And we continue with poetry as Basquetteur recomends Rimas in Spanish:

“Las “Rimas” de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer son parte de sus obras más conocidas y halagadas. En ellas encontramos referencias sobre todo al amor, y también a otros sentimientos. Las “Rimas” fueron publicadas después del fallecimiento de Bécquer a la temprana edad de 34 años, como recopilación de sus poesias, dispersas en parte hasta entonces, en homenaje suyo. Son poesías románticas clásicas imprescindibles, llenas todavía hoy de gran frescor.”

Sonia highlights the French classic Le Rouge et le Noir:

“Le célèbre roman de Stendhal, publié en 1830, raconte l’histoire de Julien Sorel, jeune homme d’origine modeste, mais ambitieux et doué d’intelligence pour réussir dans la vie. Son destin sera lié étroitement à celui de deux femmes bien différentes, Madame de Rênal, femme mariée riche mais provinciale et Mathilde de la Mole, jeune coquette de la haute société parisienne. Leur amour et liaisons aideront à former d’abord la carrière de Julien mais mèneront ultérieurement à la tragédie.”

Foon warmly recommends the cute Dutch poems Alles zingt:

“In Alles Zingt van Pieter Louwerse vindt u 150 liedjes en rijmpjes voor het Nederlandse volk. Sommigen hiervan zullen u bekend voorkomen, en sommigen zullen helemaal nieuw (of juist oud!) zijn. De rijmpjes zijn geschreven voor kinderen, maar jong én oud zal hier veel plezier aan beleven!”

In German, Schrm, supported by Monika, calls our attention to Das Haus des schwarzen Magiers:

“Es war das erste LibriVox Hörbuch, das ich anhörte. Ich mochte früher Hörbücher nicht, dachte: “Zuhören ist anstrengend” (zumindest als Telefonist, manchmal). Das Buch ist gruselig, handelt von “real erfahrenem” Okkultismus, entstand in der magischen viktorianischen Zeit, in der die großen Gruselgeschichten dieser Welt geschrieben wurden, hat eine extrem dichte, spannende Atmosphäre auch durch die Leserin (und den Akzent) und ist eine rundum empfehlbare “Audiolektüre”.”

And because it is difficult to pick just one, Schrm adds the German book of poetry Bunte Beute:

“Meine ersten Beiträge auf LibriVox las ich für dieses Buch. die Gedichte sind in sich jeweils eine kleine Geschichte, ein Dankes-und Huldigungsbrief, einmal eine (das Herz bluten lassende) Anklage, dann kommen wieder augenzwinkernde Anekdoten darin vor. Ein extrem vielseitiges Gedichte-Buch mit lauter kreativen, intelligenten kleinen Kostbarkeiten. Bunte Beute, die ich wärmstens empfehlen kann!”

Piotrek spotlights the monumental Faraon in Polish:

“W miarę jak jak nowy faraon, Ramzes XIII, ma okazję bliżej przyjrzeć się funkcjonowaniu kraju, zaczyna dostrzegać coraz więcej rzeczy, które chciałby zmienić. Szybko jednak przekonuje się że swoją władzą- a także bogactwem Egiptu- będzie musiał dzielić się z kapłanami. Lekceważy jednak potęgę klasy kapłańskiej, nie zdając sobie sprawy z tego, jakimi środkami dysponują jego przeciwnicy.”

And we end this year’s round with Tovarish’s recommendation of the Russian short stories Pассказы для детей и взрослых:

“Рассказы для детей и взрослых” Всеволода Гаршина заслуживают особого внимания слушателя. Написанные доходчивым языком и понятные людям разного возраста, они найдут дорогу к сердцу даже самого требовательного любителя книг, особенно в замечательном исполнении Марка Чульского. Слушаете ли вы все рассказы сразу или возвращаетесь к ним после перерыва, каждая история вызовет особый резонанс в Вашей душе.”

We hope you enjoy listening to these books as much as we enjoyed making them!



Epic Resolutions

Posted on January 1, 2019 by | Posted in about LibriVox, Blog, For Volunteers, Monthly Picks, News | Comments: Comments Off on Epic Resolutions

Happy New Year 2019! Any New Year’s Resolutions? “Reading more books” is on your list, right? But sometimes, reading a single book can be enough of a challenge, as the following epic 10 gems from our catalog will show.

What is the longest book you can think of? War and Peace, of course! Leo Tolstoy depicts Russian society in the Napoleonic Wars from 1805 to 1820. He needed 17 volumes for that – and our volunteers needed 64 hours to read it all.

Even longer than this – 66 hours –  is Henry Gray’s textbook on the Anatomy of the Human Body. First published in 1858, it is still used by medical students to this day, although our 1918 edition may be not 100% up-to-date.

LibriVox is very much up-to-date and brings you the complete version of Historias de Herodoto in Spanish. The nine books of ancient history of the Middle East, Persia, and Greece, written by Herodotus around 440 BC was completed only a few days ago, and a single soloist read all 36 hours of it!

Equally long (38 hours even), equally daunting, and packed into a single volume is Middlemarch. It is a study of provincial life in the Midlands of the 1830s, with a hint of social commentary, masterfully written by George Eliot.

Ms. Eliot apparently had a liking for long tomes, since she translated David F. Strauss’ book The Life of Jesus Critically Examined into English. This book about the historical person Jesus clocks in at 58 hours and cost the original author his job.

Much more than that was at stake for Edmond Dantes in the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas. It took him years to become Le Comte de Monte-Cristo, and it takes more than 51 hours to tell the story.

Another life story (in two parts) is that of the scholar Faust. At a mere 11 hours 40 minutes, it seems pretty tame on this list, but don’t forget that Johann Wolfgang Goethe wrote this as play to be performed on stage!

No mere childs play is the story of The Virginians, two brothers who end up at different sides of the American War for Independence. In some 40 hours, William M. Thackeray explores what can happen if you fall for the wrong woman.

Well, not every woman can be a Faerie Queene. With a runtime of 32 hours, Edmund Spenser produced one of the longest poems in English. And he didn’t even complete his goal to “fashion a gentleman in virtuous and gentle discipline”.

Don’t worry, not everything that is long has to be dead serious. Although, in a sense, our longest book on this list – 67 hours in 3 parts – is exactly this: Varney the Vampyre started as a “penny dreadful” serial by Thomas Prest, and became the mother of all vampire stories ever written.

Take your time and enjoy – and we hope that you’ll read more than one book this year! ;-)


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