Weekly Picks: Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Posted on October 6, 2006 by | Posted in Uncategorized, Weekly Picks | Comments: 1 Comment on Weekly Picks: Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Read by Kristin LeMoine (Luoma).

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad has been interperted many different ways since its publication in 1899. It has been the inspiration for T.S. Eliot’s “The Hollow Men” and Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocolypse Now. Given the varying reactions to the text, this reading by Kristin avoids the potential pitfalls of over-interpertation, and allows the haunting story to emerge. Her careful pacing and enunciation reflect Conrad’s deliberate language. Kristin’s straightforward reading allows listeners to take their own journey through the depths of Conrad’s symbolism.


What is this? Every week the volunteers at Librivox pick a different recording to present to our listeners. The spotlighted recordings vary from week to week in order to call attention to the variety of works available here at Librivox and to show how much we appreciate all the effort and work our readers put into each project. The featured selection may be poetry, novels, short stories or non-fiction. All of them can be found within our growing catalog and are available for download. Want to learn more?


1 comment

  1. hey hows it going, just wanted to say that i really enjoyed this, i think that joseph conrad is briliant and i will look for more titles in the future.

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