Woodman, Spare that Tree!

George Pope Morris (1802 - 1864)

George Pope Morris was an American editor, poet, and songwriter.
In addition to his publishing and editorial work, Morris was popular as a poet and songwriter; especially well-known was his poem-turned-song "Woodman, Spare that Tree!"[10] His songs in particular were popular enough that Graham's Magazine in Philadelphia promised Morris $50, sight unseen, for any work he wanted to publish in the periodical. "Woodman, Spare that Tree!" was first published in the January 17, 1837, issue of the Mirror under the title "The Oak" and was that year set to music by Henry Russell before being reprinted under its more common title in 1853. - Summary by Wikipedia

Genre(s): Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry)

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by AB Angi Bridges
Play 02 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by AC Amelia Chesley
Play 03 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by BK Bruce Kachuk
Play 04 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by DL David Lawrence
Play 05 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by GB Garth Burton
Play 06 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by KB KyoBlanchett
Play 07 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by MF Michael Fassio
Play 08 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by NR Nemo
Play 09 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by SWS Scotty Smith
Play 10 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by TP Tomas Peter
Play 11 Woodman, Spare that Tree! - Read by VB tovarisch