The Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science

Ludwig von Mises (1881 - 1973)

This is the last book that von Mises wrote. It reflects a lifetime of learning and writing about economics as the leader of the Austrian School of economics. The book summarizes the spectacular success of economic freedom in building prosperity, and the intellectual error most civilizations fall into that hampers both their prosperity and their liberty. He demonstrates how socialism must fail because it cannot solve the problem of economic calculation, because short of totalitarian control, human behavior is always in flux and can't be studied the same way we study the physical "laws of nature". Yet there is an overall predictable regularity in human behavior as individuals go about choosing unpredictable ways to provide for their own pleasure, safety and security, which if given its head, tends towards creative problem solving and ever-increasing economic prosperity. (Summary by Michele Fry)

Genre(s): *Non-fiction, Mathematics

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 00 Preface Owlivia
Play 01 Some Preliminary Observations Concerning Praxeology Owlivia
Play 02 Ch. 1, 1: The Human Mind Tatiana Chichilla
Play 03 Ch. 1, 2: :The Human Mind Tatiana Chichilla
Play 04 Ch. 1, 3: :The Human Mind Tatiana Chichilla
Play 05 Ch. 2, 1: The Activistic Basis of Knowledge Paul Hampton
Play 06 Ch. 2, 2: :The Activistic Basis of Knowledge Paul Hampton
Play 07 Ch. 3: Necessity and Volition Michele Fry
Play 08 Ch. 4: Certainty and Uncertainty Owlivia
Play 09 Ch. 5.1: On Some Popular Errors Concerning the Scope and Method of Economics Owlivia
Play 10 Ch. 5, 2: On Some Popular Errors Concerning the Scope and Method of Economics Owlivia
Play 11 Ch. 5, 3: On Some Popular Errors Concerning the Scope and Method of Economics Owlivia
Play 12 Ch. 5, 4: On Some Popular Errors Concerning the Scope and Method of Economics Ehsan Ahmed Mehedi
Play 13 Ch. 6: Further Implications of the Neglect of Economic Thinking Owlivia
Play 14 Ch. 7: The Epistemological Roots of Monism Owlivia
Play 15 Ch. 8: Positivism and the Crisis of Western Civilization Owlivia