The Peregrine Falcon at the Eyrie

Francis Heatherley (1862 - 1932)

Bird-watching - and photographing - of a particular eyrie during the span of 3 years, where we see the female falcon hunting for food, while the tiercel - the male falcon - stays behind to feed and brood the chicks. A falcon chick is also known as eyas, hence the name eyrie for their nest. The name tiercel comes from the Latin for "third", either because of the belief that one in three eggs hatches a male bird, or from the fact that the male falcon is one third smaller than the female. - Summary by Rapunzelina

Genre(s): Animals

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Introduction Rapunzelina
Play 02 Life in the Eyrie Rapunzelina
Play 03 Life in the Observation Shed Rapunzelina
Play 04 Famine in the Eyrie Rapunzelina
Play 05 Last Days in the Eyrie Rapunzelina
Play 06 General Remarks on the Peregrine Rapunzelina
Play 07 Photographic Details Rapunzelina