The Paradise, or Garden of the Holy Fathers (Book 4) (The Histories of the Monks Who Lived in the Desert of Egypt, Which Were Compiled by Saint Hieronymus)

Palladius (c. 363 - c. 430)
Translated by E. A. Wallis Budge (1857 - 1934)

The Desert Fathers were early Christian hermits, ascetics, and monks who mainly lived in the Scetes desert of Egypt. The most famous was St. Anthony the Great, who moved to the desert in 270 AD and became known as both the father and founder of desert monasticism. By the time Anthony died in AD 356, thousands of monks and nuns had been drawn to Anthony's example of living in the harsh conditions of the inner desert, praying the psalms, meditating on scripture, eating rarely, and working with their hands making baskets or mats. This work is a collection of stories from the lives of these early monks and nuns. Summary by ancientchristian

Genre(s): Christianity - Biographies

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Chapter 1 (The Apology, and the Reason for [Writing] the Book) ancientchristian
Play 02 Chapter 2 (The triumphs of Mar John the Recluse, the Prophet of the Thebaid who lived in Lycus) ancientchristian
Play 03 Chapters 3-8 (Abba Hor, Abba Ammon, Abba Abban, the brethren in Oxyrhyncus, Abba Theon, and Abba Elijah) ancientchristian
Play 04 Chapter 9 (The triumph of the Blessed Apollo [and Ammon]) ancientchristian
Play 05 Chapters 10-12 (The triumphs of Abba Apellen, Apollo, John and Paphnutius) ancientchristian
Play 06 Chapters 13-16 (The Triumphs of Eulogius, Isidore, Dioscurus, Abba Copres and Petarpemotis) ancientchristian
Play 07 Chapters 17-30 (The Triumphs of Abba Hor, Isaiah, Paul, Nopi, Evagrius, Abba Pithyrion, the Blessed Fathers, the Monks in Nitria, Ammon the First, Another Ammon, Chronius, the Three Brethren, Philemon, John, Serapion, and Apollo the Less) ancientchristian