The National Geographic Magazine Vol. 08 - 10. October 1897

National Geographic Society

The National Geographic Magazine, an illustrated monthly, the October Number.
It includes the following articles:

  • The Enchanted Mesa, by F. W. Hodge

  • Electric Street Railways, by John Hyde

  • Geographical Research in the United States, by Gardiner G. Hubbard and Marcus Baker

  • A Brief Account of the Geographic Work of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, by T.C. Mendenhall and Otto H. Tittmann

  • United States Daily Atmospheric Survey, by Willis L. Moore

  • Geographic Notes, by John Hyde

Genre(s): Travel & Geography

Language: English

Group: National Geographic Magazines

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 The Enchanted Mesa Josh Kibbey
Play 02 Electric Street Railways Availle
Play 03 Geographical Research in the United States BettyB
Play 04 A Brief Account of the Geographic Work of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Larry Wilson
Play 05 United States Daily Atmospheric Survey realisticspeakers
Play 06 Geographic Notes Larry Wilson