The Legends of the Jews, Volume 4

Louis Ginzberg (1873 - 1953)

Rabbi Louis Ginzberg was one of the outstanding Talmudists of the twentieth century. He was born on November 28, 1873, in Kovno, Lithuania; he died on November 11, 1953, in New York City. Ginzberg taught at the Jewish Theological seminary from 1903 to 1953. For 50 years, he trained two generations of Conservative Rabbis.

The Legends of the Jews is an epic 7-volume compilation of traditional Jewish stories loosely related to the Bible. Volumes 1-4 contain the stories, while volumes 5-7 contain Ginzberg's notes and commentary. Over the millenia, these stories, which expand on the Bible, flesh out the lives of biblical figures. In the process, they help bring to life the Bible's valuable lessons.

The Legends of the Jews has been called a monumental work of scholarship. It is studied by serious students of both Judaism and Christianity. And yet the stories continue to be accessible and understood by all. They were designed to impart lessons of the Torah, and any child or adult will find much to enjoy about this work. (Summary by Scott Sherris and Wikipedia)


Genre(s): Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity)

Language: English

Group: Legends of the Jews vol 1-4

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 I. JOSHUA - The Servant of Moses - Entering the Promised Land—Conquest of the Land—The Sun Obeys Joshua—War with the Armenians—Allotment of the Land. Jim Locke
Play 02 II. THE JUDGES, PART 1 - The First Judge—Campaigns of KenaS—Othniel—Boaz and Ruth Jim Locke
Play 03 II. THE JUDGES, PART 2 - Deborah—Gideon—Jephthah—Samson—The Crime of the Benjamites. Jim Locke
Play 04 III. SAMUEL AND SAUL - Elkanah and Hannah—The Youth of Samuel—Eli and His Sons—The Activities of Samuel—The Reign of Saul—The Court of Saul. Jim Locke
Play 05 IV. DAVID, PART 1 - David's Birth and Descent—Anointed King—Encounter with Goliath—Pursued by Saul—Wars—Ahithophel—Joab Jim Locke
Play 06 IV. DAVID, PART 2 - David's Piety and His Sin—Absalom's Rebellion—David's Atonement—Visitations—The Death of David—David in Paradise—The Family of David—His Tomb. Jim Locke
Play 07 V. SOLOMON, PART 1 - Solomon Punishes Joab—The Marriage of Solomon—His Wisdom Jim Locke
Play 08 V. SOLOMON, PART 2 - The Queen of Sheba—Solomon Master of the Demons—The Building of the Temple—The Throne of Solomon Jim Locke
Play 09 V. SOLOMON, PART 3 – The Hippodrome—Lessons in Humility—Asmodeus—Solomon as Beggar—The Court of Solomon. Jim Locke
Play 10 VI. JUDAH AND ISRAEL - The Division of the Kingdom—Jeroboam—The Two Ahijabs—Asa—Jehoshaphat and Ahab—Jezebel—Joram of Israel. Mark Chulsky
Play 11 VII. ELIJAH, PART 1 - Elijah before His Translation—After His Translation Jim Locke
Play 12 VII. ELIJAH, PART 2 - Censor and Avenger—Intercourse with the Sages Jim Locke
Play 13 VII. ELIJAH, PART 3 - God's Justice Vindicated—Elijah and the Angel of Death—Teacher of the Kabbalah—Forerunner of the Messiah. Jim Locke
Play 14 VIII. ELISHA AND JONAH - Elisha the Disciple of Elijah—The Shunammite—Gehazi—The Flight of Jonah-Jonah in the Whale—The Repentance of Nineveh. Jim Locke
Play 15 IX. THE LATER KINGS OF JUDAH, PART 1 - Joash—Three Great Prophets—The Two Kingdoms Chastised—Hezekjah Jim Locke
Play 16 IX. THE LATER KINGS OF JUDAH, PART 2 - Miracles Wrought for Hezekiah—Manasseh—Josiah and His Successors. Jim Locke
Play 17 X. THE EXILE, PART 1 - Zedekiah—Jeremiah—Nebuchadnezzar—The Capture of Jerusalem Jim Locke
Play 18 X. THE EXILE, PART 2 – The Great Lament—Jeremiah's Journey to Babylon—Transportation of the Captives—The Sons of Moses—Ebedmelech—The Temple Vessels Jim Locke
Play 19 X. THE EXILE, PART 3 - Baruch—The Tombs of Baruch and Ezekie1—Daniel—The Three Men in the Furnace—Ezekiel Revives the Dead—Nebuchadnezzar a Beast—Hiram—The False Prophets—Daniel's Piety. Jim Locke
Play 20 XI. THE RETURN OF THE CAPTIVITY - Belshazzar's Feast—Daniel under the Persian Kings—The Grave of Daniel—Zerubbabel—Ezra—The Men of the Great Assembly. Jim Locke
Play 21 XII. ESTHER, PART 1 - The Feast for the Grandees—The Festivities in Shushan—Vashti's Banquet—The Fate of Vashti—The Follies of Ahasuerus—Mordecai Scarlett Martin
Play 22 XII. ESTHER, PART 2 - Esther's Beauty and Piety—The Conspiracy, Haman the Jew-baiter—Mordecai's Pride Scarlett Martin
Play 23 XII. ESTHER, PART 3 - Casting the Lots—The Denunciation of the Jews - The Decree of Annihilation Scarlett Martin
Play 24 XII. ESTHER, PART 4 – Satan Indicts the Jews—The Dream of Mordecai Fulfilled—The Prayer of Esther - Esther Intercedes Scarlett Martin
Play 25 XII. ESTHER, PART 5 - The Disturbed Night—The Fall of Haman—The Edict of the King. Scarlett Martin