The Friendly Terrace Quartette (or Peggy Raymond At The Poplars)
The Friendly Terrace Quartette (or Peggy Raymond At The Poplars) published in 1920, finds Peggy and her friends preparing for The Great War. Young men they had known as boys are signing up to train and fight as soldiers, while the girls find themselves looking for what they can do to help. Priscilla, and Amy join Peggy in The Land Army to assist in agricultural labour usually left to men of the period. Ruth, of weaker health, must remain on Friendly Terrace but manages to find her own way to be useful. In the station of The Land Army, known as The Poplars, Peggy, Priscilla and Amy meet many other young women who have come to lend aid, discovering their strengths and weaknesses, secrets and triumphs. (Summary by Daryl Wor)
Genre(s): General Fiction, Published 1900 onward
Language: English