The Early Church Collection Volume 3


This collection begins with Augustine's exposition of the Apostles' Creed, a confession of faith (particularly addressing the Trinity) attributed to Gregory Thaumaturgus and a series of statements on christology. Then come two works attributed to Hippolytus and a treatise addressed to Tatian arguing, without using Scripture, for the existence of the soul. Dionysius of Alexandria comments on the authorship of the book of Revelation and Alexander, archbishop of Alexandria excommunicates Arius (this was probably ghostwritten by Athanasius). What remains of "a discourse on the Divine Nature and the Incarnation, against the heretics Beron and Helix" is followed by several exegetical works by Dionysius of Alexandria and the beginning of a treatise of the resurrection usually attributed to Justin Martyr. "Discourse on all the Saints" concerns martyrs and the fragments of Lactantius were written by the adviser of Constantine, the first Christian Romans emperor. A survey of Christian novels follows (some of the works referenced can be found here and here). The Phoenix may or may not have been written by Lactantius and formed the basis for a well-known Old English poem. Amongst several short works, there are Cyprian's extracts from the Old testament prophets exhorting to repentance and his treatise on chastity. Augustine preaches a sermon on the virtue of patience, Gregory of Nyssa laments the death of Meletius (a bishop) and then advises Christians not to go on pilgrimages to Jerusalem. This collection ends with the martyr story of Symphorosa and her family.
- Summary by InTheDesert

Genre(s): Christianity - Other

Language: English

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 On the Creed: A Sermon to the Catechumens Saint Augustine of Hippo Etext InTheDesert
00:32:14 en
Play 02 A Sectional Confession of Faith Gregory Thaumaturgus Etext InTheDesert
00:32:45 en
Play 03 A Fragment of the same Declaration of Faith Gregory Thaumaturgus Etext InTheDesert
Play 04 Twelve Topics on the Faith Gregory Thaumaturgus Etext InTheDesert
Play 05 The Discourse on the Holy Theophany Hippolytus of Rome Etext InTheDesert
Play 06 Canons of the Church of Alexandria Hippolytus of Rome Etext InTheDesert
Play 07 Topical Discourse on the Subject of the Soul Gregory Thaumaturgus Etext InTheDesert
Play 08 From the Two Books on the Promises in opposition to Noetus, a Bishop in Egypt Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 09 Encyclical of Alexander Excommunicating Arius Pope Alexander I of Alexandria Etext InTheDesert
00:09:11 en
Play 10 Against Beron and Helix Hippolytus of Rome Etext InTheDesert
Play 11 A Commentary on the Beginning of Ecclesiastes Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 12 An Interpretation of the Gospel according to Luke Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 13 Another Fragment on Luke 22:46 Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 14 Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection Saint Justin Martyr Etext InTheDesert
00:26:39 en
Play 15 Discourse on all the Saints Gregory Thaumaturgus Etext InTheDesert
Play 16 Fragments of Lactantius Firmianus Lactantius Etext InTheDesert
Play 17 A Fragment on John 8:12 Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 18 Greek and Early Christian Novels Part 1 Terrot R. Glover Etext InTheDesert
Play 19 Greek and Early Christian Novels Part 2 Terrot R. Glover Etext InTheDesert
00:48:04 en
Play 20 The Phoenix Lactantius Etext InTheDesert
Play 21 Fragments of the Epistles of Alexander Alexander of Jerusalem Etext InTheDesert
00:03:40 en
Play 22 Exhortation to Repentance Saint Cyprian of Carthage Etext InTheDesert
Play 23 Fragments of a Second Epistle to Dionysius of Rome Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 24 Decrees of Fabian Pope Fabian Etext InTheDesert
00:04:39 en
Play 25 A Fragment on the Reception of the Lapsed to Penitence Dionysius the Great Etext InTheDesert
Play 26 Of the Discipline and Advantage of Chastity Saint Cyprian of Carthage Etext InTheDesert
Play 27 On Patience Saint Augustine of Hippo Etext InTheDesert
Play 28 Funeral Oration on Meletius Gregory of Nyssa Etext InTheDesert
Play 29 On Pilgrimages Gregory of Nyssa Etext InTheDesert
Play 30 The Passion of St. Symphorosa and her Seven Sons Sextus Julius Africanus Etext InTheDesert