The Creature from Cleveland Depths
“The Creature from Cleveland Depths” also known as “The Lone Wolf” tells the story of a writer and his wife who refuse to move below-ground after the cold-war gets hot. The underground society discovers a decline in their ability to creatively innovate, and must consult with surface dwellers to develop products that satiate the needs of a people living like moles. But the latest product to result from this alliance, “The Tickler” has frightening implications that only our heroes seem to notice. – This story appeared in the December, 1962 issue of “Galaxy” magazine. (Summary by Gregg Margarite)
Genre(s): Science Fiction
Language: English
Section | Chapter | Reader | Time |
Play 01 | 1 - The Creature from Cleveland Depths | Gregg Margarite (1957-2012) |
00:56:43 |
Play 02 | 2 - The Creature from Cleveland Depths | Gregg Margarite (1957-2012) |
00:51:51 |