The Cabinet Minister

Arthur Wing Pinero (1855 - 1934)

Mr. Pinero holds that farce should treat of probable people placed in possible circumstances, but regarded from a point of view which exaggerates their sentiments and magnifies their foibles. In this light it is permitted to this class of play, not only to deal with ridiculous incongruities of incident and character, but to satirise society, and to wring laughter from those possible distresses of life which might trace their origin to fallacies of feeling and extravagances of motive. - Summary by Introduction

Cast list:
Right Honorable Sir Julian Twombley, GCMG, MP (Secretary of State for the ____ Department): ToddHW
Lady Twombley: Sonia
Brooke Twombley (their son): Tomas Peter
Imogen (their daughter): Leanne Yau
Dowager Lady Countess of Drumdurris: TJ Burns
Lady Euphemia Vibart (her daughter): Devorah Allen
Earl of Drumdurris (in the Guards): Scott Kelley
Egidia, Countess of Drumdurris: Jael Baldwin
Lady Macphail: Beth Thomas
Sir Colin Macphail of Ballocheevin (her son): Chuck Williamson
Valentine White (Lady Twombley's nephew): Kurt
Honorable Mrs. Gaylustre (a young widow trading as Mauricette et Cie, 17A Plunkett Street, Mayfair: Linda Olsen Fitak
Mr. Joseph Lebanon: Son of the Exiles
Mr. Melton (Sir Julian's Private Secretary): Craig Franklin
The Munkittrick: alanmapstone
Miss Munkittrick: Eva Davis
Probyn (a servant): DrPGould
Angele, a French nurse: Sandra Schmit
Stage Directions: Larry Wilson
Edited by: ToddHW

Genre(s): Plays, Satire

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Act 1 - Debt Group 00:50:58
Play 02 Act 2 - Difficulties Group 00:50:14
Play 03 Act 3 - Disaster Group 00:54:27
Play 04 Act 4 - Dancing Group 00:28:30