The Black Arrow - A Tale of the Two Roses
The Black Arrow tells the story of Richard (Dick) Shelton during the Wars of the Roses: how he becomes a knight, rescues his lady Joanna Sedley, and obtains justice for the murder of his father, Sir Harry Shelton. Outlaws in
Tunstall Forest organized by Ellis Duckworth, whose weapon and calling card is a black arrow, cause Dick to suspect
that his guardian Sir Daniel Brackley and his retainers are responsible for his father's murder. Dick's suspicions
are enough to turn Sir Daniel against him, so he has no recourse but to escape from Sir Daniel and join the outlaws
of the Black Arrow against him. This struggle sweeps him up into the greater conflict surrounding them all.
The story of the Wars of the Roses is told in miniature by The Black Arrow. (Summary from Wikipedia)
Genre(s): Historical Fiction
Language: English