Short Science Fiction Collection 096


Science fiction is a genre encompassing imaginative works that take place in this world or that of the author’s creation where anything is possible. The only rules are those set forth by the author. The speculative nature of the genre inspires thought and plants seeds that have led to advances in science. The genre can spark an interest in the sciences and is cited as the impetus for the career choice of many scientists. It is a playing field to explore social perspectives, predictions of the future, and engage in adventures unbound into the richness of the human mind. (Summary by A. Gramour)

Genre(s): Science Fiction

Language: English

Group: Short Science Fiction Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 And Miles to Go Before I Sleep William F. Nolan Etext Dale Grothmann
00:11:46 en
Play 02 A Matter of Magnitude Al Sevcik Etext Dale Grothmann
00:16:28 en
Play 03 Happy Ending (with C. L. Moore) Henry Kuttner Etext Ben Tucker
00:39:28 en
Play 04 Communication Charles L. Fontenay Etext Joy Fleisig
00:05:36 en
Play 05 They Reached for the Moon William Oberfield Etext chuckconvr
00:27:44 en
Play 06 The Leaf Robert F. Young Etext Roger Melin
00:11:14 en
Play 07 The Moon and the Sun James McKimmey, Jr. Etext Roger Melin
00:08:16 en
Play 08 The Old Martians Rog Phillips Etext Ben Tucker
00:27:24 en
Play 09 Birthday Present Arnold Marmor Etext Ronald Gardella
00:06:16 en
Play 10 How Don Flashed the S.O.S. Mabel M. Davis Etext Ben Tucker
00:07:10 en
Play 11 Utopia? Never! Thomas M. Disch Etext Dale Grothmann
00:08:37 en
Play 12 The Happy Homicide Frank Banta Etext BigManDan
00:08:36 en
Play 13 Pangborn's Paradox David Mason Etext Dale Grothmann
00:12:39 en
Play 14 Is That You Xeluchli? Dick Hetschel Etext BigManDan
00:11:07 en
Play 15 Hagerty's Enzymes A. L. Haley Etext Yoganandh T
00:30:18 en
Play 16 The Amateurs Alan Cogan Etext Yoganandh T
00:18:26 en
Play 17 I Bring Fresh Flowers Robert F. Young Etext Roger Melin
00:12:13 en
Play 18 The Eyes Have It Philip K. Dick Etext Ally M.
00:07:38 en
Play 19 Small Voice, Big Man Stewart Pierce Brown Etext BigManDan
00:23:13 en
Play 20 Handyman Frank Banta Etext BigManDan
00:06:07 en