Short Poetry Collection 260


This is a collection of 50 poems read in English by LibriVox volunteers during January 2025.

Genre(s): Poetry

Language: English

Group: Short Poetry Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 ABC of Fox Hunting John Dean Paul Etext stepheather
00:02:03 en
Play 02 Anchors C. Fox Smith Etext Fenman
00:02:29 en
Play 03 Antigonish William Hughes Mearns Etext Dale Grothmann
00:00:43 en
Play 04 Artist's Life Ella Wheeler Wilcox Etext Julie Anne Thompson
00:01:28 en
Play 05 As You Go Through Life Ella Wheeler Wilcox Etext minneapolis
00:01:29 en
Play 06 The Ballad of Dead Ladies Dante Gabriel Rossetti Etext Ike Sherr
00:02:03 en
Play 07 Because I did not stop for Death Emily Dickinson Etext Colleen Booker
00:01:22 en
Play 08 Blizzard William Carlos Williams Etext Larry Wilson
00:00:53 en
Play 09 Change John Frederick Freeman Etext Bruce Kachuk
00:01:18 en
Play 10 The City is Peopled Hilda Doolittle Etext Winston Tharp
00:00:39 en
Play 11 Coastwise C. Fox Smith Etext Fenman
00:03:45 en
Play 12 The Corner Stone Walter de la Mare Etext Bruce Kachuk
00:01:23 en
Play 13 The Cure's Progress Henry Austin Dobson Etext Ike Sherr
00:02:06 en
Play 14 Diogenes Harry Graham Etext Tony Scheinman
00:02:45 en
Play 15 The Door Orrick Glenday Johns Etext Newgatenovelist
00:01:23 en
Play 16 The Explorer W. E. Solenberger Etext Dale Grothmann
00:01:34 en
Play 17 Fire Wilfrid Wilson Gibson Etext Bruce Kachuk
00:01:13 en
Play 18 Ghosts in Deptford C. Fox Smith Etext Fenman
00:04:57 en
Play 19 Gold Orrick Glenday Johns Etext Newgatenovelist
00:00:51 en
Play 20 Homeward C. Fox Smith Etext Alan Mapstone
00:02:52 en
Play 21 The Last Leaf Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Etext Phil Schempf
00:01:55 en
Play 22 The Maiden and the Lilly John Fraser Etext Ike Sherr
00:01:27 en
Play 23 Mari Magno Arthur Hugh Clough Etext Arden
00:50:38 en
Play 24 Matrimony Andrew Lang Etext Mark Harrington
00:01:33 en
Play 25 My Heart Has Known Its Winter Arna Bontemps Etext Winston Tharp
00:00:53 en
Play 26 My Life Closed Twice Before its Close Emily Dickinson Etext Colleen Booker
00:00:42 en
Play 27 Nero Harry Graham Etext Tony Scheinman
00:03:14 en
Play 28 New Year's Day Richard Crashaw Etext Public Domain Scholar
00:01:56 en
Play 29 Nothin' Done Sam S. Stinson Etext Dale Grothmann
00:00:59 en
Play 30 Sonnet XXVIII (Not the round natural world, not the deep mind) Frederick Goddard Tuckerman Etext Barty Begley
00:01:46 en
Play 31 Ode to Mr. Brunel Thomas Hood Etext mleigh
00:03:21 en
Play 32 Of All the Sounds Dispatched Abroad Emily Dickinson Etext Colleen Booker
00:01:43 en
Play 33 On the Depreciated Money Thomas Hood Etext mleigh
00:00:46 en
Play 34 Orpheus Emma Lazarus Etext Arden
00:39:40 en
Play 35 Ozymandias Percy Bysshe Shelley Etext Ihaepmexz
00:01:11 en
Play 36 Punishment of Suicides Thomas Hood Etext mleigh
00:00:38 en
Play 37 A Rival of Fallopius Eugene Lee-Hamilton Etext Arden
00:12:39 en
Play 38 Song of the Sea-Wind Lucy Maud Montgomery Etext KatieT
00:01:28 en
Play 39 The Sound of the Sea Felicia Dorothea Hemans Etext Larry Wilson
00:01:51 en
Play 40 To Peter Pan in Winter Katherine Hale Etext Larry Wilson
00:02:06 en
Play 41 We Wear The Mask Paul Laurence Dunbar Etext valroth
00:01:03 en
Play 42 Where is David, the Next King of Israel? Vachel Lindsay Etext Julie Anne Thompson
00:01:39 en
Play 43 Whither Must I Wander Robert Louis Stevenson Etext Winston Tharp
00:02:02 en
Play 44 Will Ella Wheeler Wilcox Etext minneapolis
00:01:03 en
Play 45 William Tell Harry Graham Etext Tony Scheinman
00:03:11 en
Play 46 Winter Roses John Greenleaf Whittier Etext Phil Schempf
00:01:56 en
Play 47 The Worker Orrick Glenday Johns Etext Newgatenovelist
00:00:31 en
Play 48 Work without hope Samuel Taylor Coleridge Etext Barty Begley
00:01:44 en
Play 49 XLVII (Young men dancing, and the old) Anacreon Etext Phil Schempf
00:00:35 en
Play 50 The Year Ella Wheeler Wilcox Etext minneapolis
00:00:48 en