Short Poetry Collection 016


LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 016: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

Genre(s): Poetry

Language: English

Group: Short Poetry Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 Accomplished Facts Carl Sandburg Etext Alan Davis Drake (1945-2010)
00:01:54 en
Play 02 All in green my love went riding E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:01:41 en
Play 03 April Louis Ginsberg Etext Alan Davis Drake (1945-2010)
00:00:56 en
Play 04 Be a Friend Edgar A. Guest Etext Robin Cotter
00:01:26 en
Play 05 Buffalo Bill’s E. E. Cummings Etext Alan Davis Drake (1945-2010)
00:00:50 en
Play 06 Buffalo Bill’s E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:00:42 en
Play 07 Enough Thomas Lansing Masson Etext Andrea L
00:00:35 en
Play 08 The Face on The Barroom Floor Hugh Antoine d'Arcy Etext Glen Hallstrom
00:04:42 en
Play 09 He and She Ironquill Etext Andrea L
00:00:29 en
Play 10 i have found what you are like E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:01:08 en
Play 11 I Remember, I Remember Thomas Hood Etext Andy Minter (1934-2017)
00:01:37 en
Play 12 it may not always be so;and i say E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:01:18 en
Play 13 Lawyers Know Too Much Carl Sandburg Etext Alan Davis Drake (1945-2010)
00:01:51 en
Play 14 O sweet spontaneous E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:00:51 en
Play 15 October’s Bright Blue Weather Helen Hunt Jackson Etext Robin Cotter
00:02:05 en
Play 16 the sky was E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:00:39 en
Play 17 this is the garden: colours come and go E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:01:20 en
Play 18 To the Dead Favourite of Liu Ch’e Djuna Barnes Etext Alan Davis Drake (1945-2010)
00:01:30 en
Play 19 Where’s Madge then E. E. Cummings Etext Christina Zhu
00:00:53 en
Play 20 The Wicked Zebra Frank Roe Batchelder Etext Andrea L
00:00:39 en