Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 028


A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The selections included in this collection were independently chosen by the readers, and the topics encompass history, slavery, science, education, humor, philosophy, nature and baseball. (summary by J. M. Smallheer)

Genre(s): Essays & Short Works

Language: English

Group: Short Nonfiction Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 The Amana Community Charles Nordhoff Etext Sue Anderson
00:31:40 en
Play 02 The Babies Mark Twain Etext Tom Merritt
00:09:37 en
Play 03 A Defence of Rash Vows G. K. Chesterton Etext Cori Samuel
00:12:42 en
Play 04 The Emancipation Proclamation Abraham Lincoln Etext Winston Tharp
00:05:14 en
Play 05 Farming with Dynamite E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Etext ToddHW
00:16:13 en
Play 06 Have Faith in Massachusetts (excerpt) Calvin Coolidge Etext DPranitis
00:15:27 en
Play 07 Jane Austen Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie Etext NoelBadrian
00:51:28 en
Play 08 Japanese Swords Anonymous Etext Availle
00:09:49 en
Play 09 Music Loving Bears Joaquin Miller Etext Bellona Times
00:08:49 en
Play 10 Periplus of Hanno Hanno the Navigator Etext Arnie Horton
00:06:32 en
Play 11 The Rhythm of Education Alfred North Whitehead Etext PPerez
00:45:57 en
Play 12 The Samphire Gatherer William Henry Hudson Etext Garth Burton
00:10:19 en
Play 13 Some Facts About the National Game, from a Ball Player's Career Adrian C. Anson Etext DPranitis
00:16:57 en
Play 14 A Talk About Begonias Mary Decker Wellcome Etext Bellona Times
00:09:39 en
Play 15 Tribute to "The Birth of a Nation" Rupert Hughes Etext Chuck Williamson
00:16:11 en