Title Status Assigned Ready for PL See PL notes Ready for spot check PL ok
Wandering Jew, Part 1 Open 26, 27
Review of Ecclesiastical History Open 11 4, 10
John McNab Open 6 3
Cabinet of Gems Fully Subscribed 15 6, 7
West Indies and the Spanish Main Open 38, 39
Logic for the Million Open 53
Lives of Eminent Philosophers, Volume 2 Open 7, 8
Boys’ Book of Famous Rulers by Lydia Hoyt Farmer Open 22, 23 3, 4, 5
Autobiography of Charles H. Spurgeon, Volume 1 Open 12 1, 29, 30
Blickling Homilies Open 2 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Destiny, Volume 2 Open 2
Unfinished Rainbows, and Other Essays Open 8, 9
Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 15 Fully Subscribed 1 0
Female Detective Open 19
Booklover and His Books Open 10
Face of the Deep: a Devotional Commentary on the Apocalypse Open 58 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
Fourth Form Friendship: A School Story Fully Subscribed 125, 178
Exposition on the Book of Psalms (Vol 6 - Psalms 126-150) Fully Subscribed 22, 23, 24
Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Orators Open 7, 8
Letters on Different Subjects in Natural Philosophy, Volume 1 (Letters to a German Princess) Open 62, 63
Man Who Knew Too Much (Version 2) Open 1
Ivanhoe Open 268, 283, 294, 332, 345, 353, 375, 384
In the Days of Queen Elizabeth Fully Subscribed 16
Caravaners Fully Subscribed 9, 10
Laws from Heaven for Life on Earth Open 39, 40, 46, 47
World's Best Orations, Volume 3 Open 32, 60
Dramatic Version of Greek Myths and Hero Tales Open 50, 185, 129
English Lakes Fully Subscribed 4, 12
Daily Guide for the Sanctified Open 1
Great Men and Famous Women, Vol. 5 Open 4, 35
Oswald Bastable and Others Fully Subscribed 5
Complete Bachelor Fully Subscribed 11, 12