Thank You, Donors and Volunteers

Since LibriVox was founded in 2005, our free, volunteer-read audiobooks have been downloaded more than 400 million times. Your generous donations of time and money help us continue making and publishing audiobooks

LibriVox has no paid staff, no board, no offices, no lobbyists, no fundraisers. We are all volunteers. Your donations are going toward costs for domain registration, technical licenses and other expenses related to keeping our software systems running (for managing volunteer projects, cataloging and distributing our finished audiobooks).

At this time, we would like to say “Thank you” once again to everyone who has donated over the last 10 years for your financial support of the LibriVox mission of recording all books in the public domain. Thanks also goes to the Internet Archive for hosting our forum, catalog and behind the scenes software systems. As of April 1, 2023, we have 17,898 completed works in the LibriVox catalog with more being added every day! We couldn’t do this without the combined efforts of our volunteer readers, book coordinators, prooflisteners, admins and listeners.

Due of the generosity of you, our donors, and the Internet Archive, we are pleased to say that we will no longer be accepting donations specifically for LibriVox until such time as a new need arises. We encourage you to continue to support the LibriVox site through donations directly to the Internet Archive at


If you have any further questions or need assistance, please contact LibriVox directly under:

On behalf of the thousands of LibriVox volunteers and the millions of listeners: Thank you for your support!

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