About listening to LibriVox

LibriVox audiobooks are free (*). You may use them for whatever purpose you like. Click here for information about our public domain license.

There are several options for listening. The first step is to get the audio files into your own computer. There are two main ways to do this:

1. Thrice-weekly Podcast

We podcast one book at a time, with three audio installments a week. To subscribe to our podcast, copy and paste this URL into your podcatcher:


If you use iTunes, the subscription will happen automatically if you click on this URL:


2. Catalog

Visit our catalog and download books you wish to listen to. Visit the Help Page for options for searching and browsing the catalog.

Once you find a book you like, there are a many itunes, winamp, windows media player) to play the files

Subscribe in itunes
You can download an entire book using the subscribe feature in iTunes. To do that:

  • click on the green ” iTunes” button from the catalog page
  • this will launch itunes (say “yes” if your computer asks), and import the whole book into iTunes
  • In iTunes, under “Podcasts,” you should see: “LibriVox: the-book-title …” Click the little black triangle to the left of the title to see all the chapters. Click the “get” button by each to download it.
  • For more detailed instructions, see Subscribe in iTunes

Now that you’ve got some of the mp3 on your computer, you can listen to them in several ways. You can listen through your computer speakers using your favorite audio player. You can load the files into an iPod or other portable audio player and listen when and where you like. You can burn the files to an audio cd and listen to them in the car or on your home stereo.

For more detailed instructions, see our User Guide to Listening.

If you have any troubles, please contact LibriVox, with subject line: “LibriVox website help.”

NOTE: that our files are free and public domain in the USA, but not necessarily everywhere in the world. To read more about why that is, see our Public Domain page.

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