Multilingual Short Works Collection 027 - Poetry & Prose
This is our 27th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. - Summary by ToddHW
1. Bulgarian - Поет [Poet] - 10:44
Иван Минчов Вазов
Keywords: the Patriarch of Bulgarian literature, Zvukove / Sounds, liricheski stikhotvorenii︠a︡, lyric poetry, dedication poems, Wolfgang Goethe, Victor Marie Hugo, Lord Byron, Friedrich Schiller, Alfred de Musset, Heinrich Heine, Giacomo Leopardi, Патриархът на българската литература, Звукове, лирически стихотворения, посвещения, Волфганг Гьоте, Виктор Юго, лорд Байрон, Фридрих Шилер, Алфред дьо Мюсе, Хайнрих Хайне, Джакомо Леопарди, 1897
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2. Chinese - 阿房宫赋 [E Pang Gong Fu] - 4:04
杜牧 Du Mu
Keywords: 牧之, 樊川, 古文觀止, Guwen Guanzhi, 文言文, 古文, literary Chinese, classical Chinese
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3. Chinese - 谏逐客书 [Jianzhuke Shu] - 5:32
李斯 (Li Si)
Keywords: 李斯, 古文觀止, Guwen Guanzhi, 文言文, 古文, literary Chinese, classical Chinese
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4. Chinese - 离婚 [lihun] - 22:59
Lu Xun
Keywords: 彷徨, Divorce, short story, 新文化運動, 新文化运动, New Culture Movement
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5. French - Le lac alpin - 1:18
Louis de Courten
Keywords: poetry, nature, lake, romanticism
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6. German - Sebaldusnacht - 18:15
Paul Busson
Keywords: multilingual, german, short story, creepy, scary
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7. Luxembourgish - E wiélécht Blâd - 1:30
Michel Lentz
Keywords: poetry, autumn, life, death, memories, sadness, nature
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8. Polish - List w kwestyi emigracyi Polaków do Ameryki - 6:54
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Keywords: artykuł, publicystyka, emigracja, Ameryka, Stany Zjednoczone
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9. Polish - Osady polskie w Stanach Zjednoczonych - 44:14
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Keywords: artykuł, publicystyka, emigracja, Ameryka, Stany Zjednoczone
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10. Polish - Z wystawy antropologicznej w Paryżu (I) - 15:45
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Keywords: publicystyka, artykuł, Polska, człowiek, kultura, nauka
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11. Polish - Z wystawy antropologicznej w Paryżu (II) - 15:17
Henryk Sienkiewicz
Keywords: publicystyka, artykuł, Polska, człowiek, kultura, nauka
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12. Romanian - Earna - 1:43
Vasile Alecsandri
Key words: poetry, poem, Vasile Alecsandri, poezie, poezii de iarna, pasteluri, pastels, winter, iarna
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13. Romanian - Floare Albastra - 2:36
Mihai Eminescu
Keywords: poetry, love poem, Mihai Eminescu, poezie, poezii de dragoste, vis romantic, idilic
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14. Romanian - Ileana cea sireata - 21:51
Ioan Slavici
Keywords: povesti, basme, Ioan Slavici, fairy tale, children's literature, literatura pentru copii
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15. Romanian - Luceafarul - 14:23
Mihai Eminescu
Keywords: narrative poetry, poetry, mythopoeia, Hyperion, philosophy of love, Romanian poetic masterpiece, Mihai Eminescu
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16. Ukrainian - Дорога [Doroha] - 5:08
Василь Стефаник
Keywords: sad short story, lifelong road, Стефаник, дорога, новела
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17. Ukrainian - Кирило Кожемяка [Kyrylo Kozhemiaka] - 8:56
author unknown
Keywords: fairy tale, kozhemiaka, zmiy, Кирило Кожум'яка, Київ, Киев, Kyiv, Kiev
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18. Ukrainian - Моє щастя [Moie shchastia] - 0:58
Марія Грінченко
Keywords: love poem, Грінченко, вірш, лірика, щастя
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19. Ukrainian - Не любо - не слухай [Ne lyubo - ne slukhai] - 3:18
author unknown
Keywords: folk tale, lying tale, absurd, nonsense, небылица, нісенітниця, кузька
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20. Ukrainian - Хмельницький з ляхами [Khmelnytskyi z liakhamy] - 3:02
Степан Руданський
Keywords: Ukraine, Poland, allegory, вірш, Україна, Польща, алегорія
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Genre(s): Poetry, Short Stories, Short non-fiction
Language: Multilingual