Multilingual Short Works Collection 026 - Poetry & Prose
This is our 26th collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by LibriVox volunteers. - Summary by ToddHW
1. Arabic - الكذب [al-kadhib]
Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti
Keywords: المجتمع، الكذب، النفاق، society, lying, hypocrisy, النظرات
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2. Chinese - 祝福 [zhufu]
Lu Xun
Keywords: 彷徨, New Year Sacrifice, short story, 新文化運動, 新文化运动, New Culture Movement
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3. Chinese - 在酒楼上 [zai jiulou shang]
Lu Xun
Keywords: 彷徨, In the Tavern, short story, 新文化運動, 新文化运动, New Culture Movement
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4. Dutch - Konstantijntje, 't zaligh kijntje
Joost van den Vondel
Keywords: Keywords: multilingual, dutch, death, children, grief, poem
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5. German - Ein merkwürdiges Mädchen
Alexander Moszkowski
Keywords: multilingual, german, short story, humor, satire
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6. Italian - Canto XI del Paradiso
Dante Alighieri
Keywords: multilingual, italian, dante alighieri, divina commedia, paradiso, francesco d’assisi, poverello, ordine francescano, cristianesimo, misticismo, ascetismo, spiritualità, povertà, tommaso d’aquino, domenico, ordine domenicano, spiriti sapienti
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7. Italian - Mariotto e Giannozza, Novella XXXIII del Novellino
Masuccio Salernitano
Keywords: multilingual, italian, novellino, masuccio salernitano, romantic, tragedy, sadness, love, passion, death, romeo and juliet, shakespeare
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8. Italian - Il Soldano e il Giudeo, Novella LXXIII de "Il Novellino. Le ciento novelle antike", dell'Anonimo Fiorentino del XIII secolo
Keywords: multilingual, italian, novellino, anonimo fiorentino, melchisedec giudeo, tre anella, decameron, boccaccio, tolerance, brotherhood
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9. Latin - Ad Corinthios Epistula Prima, Caput Tertiumdecimum (Biblia Sacra Vulgata)
Biblia Sacra Vulgata
Keywords: multilingual, latin, vulgata, bible, new testament, first epistle to the corinthians, 1 Cor 13, laus caritati, fides, spes, caritas, agape, saul tarsensis, paulus, paul the apostle, sosthenes, religion, mysticism, christianity
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10. Latin - Carmen XXI: ‘In Lenam’
Ludovico Ariosto
Keywords: multilingual, latin, ariosto, poetry, comic, lena, pimping, prostitution, carducci, odi barbare
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11. Latin - De magisterio sancti Francisci ad fratrem Leonem, quod in sola cruce est perfecta laetitia, Caput Septimum
Ugolino Brunforte
Keywords: multilingual, latin, religion, christianity, spirituality, mysticism, ascetism, devotion, francis of assisi, franciscanism, franciscans, poverelli, ugolino brunforte, florilegium, poverty, suffering, cross
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12. Luxembourgish - De Grôsspapp
Michel Lentz
Keywords: poetry, grandfather, family, grandchild, nostalgia, love, happiness
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13. Old English (West Saxon dialect) - The Gospel of Saint Mark, Chapter 1
West-Saxon Gospels
Keywords: Wessex Gospels, Old English, Westseaxisċ
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14. Polish - Grażyna
Adam Mickiewicz
Keywords: poemat, kobieta, wojna
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15. Polish - Kamizelka
Bolesław Prus
Keywords: short story
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16. Polish - Śmierć Pułkownika
Adam Mickiewicz
Keywords: poem
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17. Portuguese - A igreja do diabo
Machado de Assis
Keywords: Deus; diabo; igreja; vícios; virtudes; literatura brasileira
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18. Russian - Гость [Gost']
Борис Зайцев
Keywords: police, brutality, intelligentsia, snobbery
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19. Spanish - Los espíritus de los muertos
Edgar Allan Poe (translated by Alberto Lasplaces)
Keywords: muerte, espíritus, soledad, tristeza
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20. Spanish - Mi último adiós
José Rizal
Keywords: Rizal, Filipinas, poesía filipina
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Genre(s): Poetry, Short Stories
Language: Multilingual