Multilingual Short Works Collection 021 - Poetry & Prose


This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English). All chosen and recorded by LibriVox volunteers.

1. French - Le général Jackson, président des Etats-Unis keywords: histoire des USA
2. French - Jour des âmes keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
3. French - L'avent keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
4. French - La Nativité de notre seigneur Jésus Christ keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
5. French - Regret keywords: poetry
6. French - Saint Jean apôtre et évangéliste keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
7. French - Sainte Marie Madeleine keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
8. French - Saint Nicolas keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
9. French - Toussaint keywords: religion catholique, saints, légendes, histoire
10. German - Gefährliches Spiel keywords: short story
11. Latin - Ecloga I keywords: poetry
12. Luxembourgish - E schlèchte Witz keywords: poem, satire, joke
13. Polish - Rękopis znaleziony w butli keywords: morze, statek, groza, opowiadanie
14. Polish - Ta co nie zginęła keywords: wiersz; I Wojna Światowa; Polska; walka; patriotyzm
15. Polish - Władca czasu keywords: czas; opowiadanie; fantastyka; eksperyment
16. Romanian - Goana keywords: poetry
17. Romanian - Intoarcerea keywords: poetry
18. Spanish - Canción del pirata keywords: Poesía, romanticismo, pirata
19. Spanish - El canto del cosaco keywords: Poesía, romanticismo, cosaco
20. Spanish - Pan y toros keywords: Ilustración, discurso, siglo XIX // Enlightenment, speech, XIX century

Genre(s): Poetry, Short Stories

Language: Multilingual

Group: Multilingual Poetry & Short Works Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 French - Le général Jackson, président des Etats-Unis Unknown Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:05:46 fr
Play 02 French - Jour des âmes Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:19:08 fr
Play 03 French - L'avent Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:10:46 fr
Play 04 French - La Nativité de notre seigneur Jésus Christ Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:12:46 fr
Play 05 French - Regret Marceline Desbordes-Valmore Etext Pier
00:00:59 fr
Play 06 French - Saint Jean apôtre et évangéliste Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:16:13 fr
Play 07 French - Sainte Marie Madeleine Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:22:15 fr
Play 08 French - Saint Nicolas Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:20:18 fr
Play 09 French - Toussaint Jacobus da Varagine Etext Christiane Jehanne
00:11:36 fr
Play 10 German - Gefährliches Spiel Theodor Fontane Etext lorda
00:07:25 de
Play 11 Latin - Ecloga I Virgil Etext Pier
00:07:28 la
Play 12 Luxembourgish - E schlèchte Witz Michel Lentz Etext Sonia
00:01:17 lb
Play 13 Polish - Rękopis znaleziony w butli Edgar Allan Poe Etext Piotr Nater
00:26:20 pl
Play 14 Polish - Ta co nie zginęła Edward Słoński Etext Piotr Nater
00:01:43 pl
Play 15 Polish - Władca czasu Antoni Lange Etext Piotr Nater
00:20:11 pl
Play 16 Romanian - Goana Iacob Negruzzi Etext Livia F.
00:01:46 ro
Play 17 Romanian - Intoarcerea Iacob Negruzzi Etext Livia F.
00:02:35 ro
Play 18 Spanish - Canción del pirata José de Espronceda Etext Epachuko
00:03:12 es
Play 19 Spanish - El canto del cosaco José de Espronceda Etext Epachuko
00:05:43 es
Play 20 Spanish - Pan y toros Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos Etext Epachuko
00:33:10 es