Lysistrata (version 3)

Aristophanes (446 - 389 BCE)
Translated by Jack Lindsay (1900 - 1990)

The women of Athens are sick of the Peloponnesian war that has dragged on for year after year after year, causing great hardship to everyone. They decide to deny the men sex until they agree to make peace, using the one thing that perhaps men enjoy more than killing each other. Does it work? Listen and find out. This comedy by Aristophanes was first performed in 411 BC

Genre(s): Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity), Comedy

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Scene I: In a public square at Athens Phil Chenevert
Play 02 Scene II: Afterwards, before the gates of the Acropolis, Phil Chenevert
Play 03 Scene III: Within the precincts of the citadel. Phil Chenevert