LibriVox 16th Anniversary Collection


"LibriVox is a hope, an experiment, and a question: can the net harness a bunch of volunteers to bring books in the public domain to life..."
Hugh McGuire, LibriVox's founder, August 9, 2005

In celebration of LibriVox's sixteenth anniversary, here is collection of short works of various kinds and from varied authors which include in their title the words 'sixteen' or 'sixteenth' or the number '16.' Each piece is selected and read by a LibriVox volunteer.

Genre(s): Poetry, Short Stories, Essays & Short Works

Language: Multilingual

Group: LibriVox Anniversary Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - Income Taxes (Annotated) United States of America Etext Michele Fry
Play 02 Sixteen Years Without a Birthday Brander Matthews Etext Maria Kasper
00:11:16 en
Play 03 Apollo 16 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Etext William Allan Jones
Play 04 Le Crime du seize octobre ou Les Fantômes de Marly L. Lafont d'Aussonne Etext Ezwa
00:08:44 fr
Play 05 Easter 1916 William Butler Yeats Etext Alan Mapstone
00:04:11 en
Play 06 Flying the Atlantic in Sixteen Hours, Chapter 7 Sir Arthur Whitten Brown Etext Harley James
Play 07 Inaugural Address by the 16th President of the United States Abraham Lincoln Etext Chad Jackson
00:23:44 en
Play 08 The Last Will of Louis XVI Henry Goudemetz Etext mleigh
Play 09 Louis XVI aux Français (English translation) William James McGlothlin Etext Kazbek
00:02:57 en
Play 10 Louis XVI aux Français George Joseph Gustave Masson Etext Ezwa
Magda Wilde
00:06:52 fr
Play 11 Survey of Occupations Open to the Girl of Fourteen to Sixteen Years Harriet Hazen Dodge Etext Sue Anderson
00:15:24 en
Play 12 On Reaching Sixteen Myrle Robbins Lampson Etext KevinS
00:01:28 en
Play 13 Revival of Preaching in the Sixteenth Century Rev. F. E. Hutchinson Etext TriciaG
Play 14 Seize Ans Félix Milliet Etext Sonia
Play 15 Шестнадцати лет Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont Etext Hanna Ponomarenko
00:01:31 ru
Play 16 Sixteen Dead Men William Butler Yeats Etext Kazbek
00:01:24 en
Play 17 Sixteen Dont's for Poets Arthur Guiterman Etext Peter Thomlinson (1940-2022)
Play 18 Sixteen Months Carl Sandburg Etext David Starner
Play 19 "Sixteen-String Jack" from A Book of Scoundrels Charles Whibley Etext Rapunzelina
00:15:56 en
Play 20 Sixteen Weeks of Fighting Pt. B. Montgomery Etext Lynne T
Play 21 Sonnet 16 William Shakespeare Etext Cavaet
00:01:18 en
Play 22 Astrophil and Stella - Sonnet 16 Sir Philip Sidney Etext Alan Mapstone
Play 23 Am sechzehnten Sonntage nach Pfingsten Annette von Droste-Hülshoff Etext lorda
00:04:11 de
Play 24 The Art of Tying the Cravat ... in Sixteen Lessons. (Ch. 16) H. LeBlanc Etext Carmen Fullmer
00:06:14 en
Play 25 When She Was About Sixteen James Whitcomb Riley Etext Devorah Allen
00:12:53 en
Play 26 The History of Sixteen Wonderful Old Women Unknown Etext Andrea Atwood
00:05:45 en