
Arthur Wing Pinero (1855 - 1934)

Letty is another one of Pinero's Social Plays, exposing the double standard of woman's reputations suffering for actions that in men were not only allowed, but even expected. Letty is a romantic shop assistant who considers bettering her station in life with a marriage to her employer. This play was filmed as a silent movie in 1919 as The Loves of Letty.
- Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Nevill Letchmere: Tomas Peter
Ivor Crosbie: Andrew Gaunce
Coppinger Drake: artvo88
Bernard Mandeville: Alan Mapstone
Richard Perry: ToddHW
Neale, a Commercial Traveller: JoeBer
Ordish, Agent for an Insurance Company: Greg Giordano
Rugg, Mr. Letchmere's Servant: Wayne Cooke
Frederic, A Maitre d'Hotel: FreckleFriday
First Waiter: emrolgould
Second Waiter: David Purdy
Mrs. Ivor Crosbie (Florence): Sonia
Letty Shell, Clerk at Dugdale's: Jenn Broda
Marion Allardyce, Clerk at Dugdale's: Matea Bracic
Hilda Gunning, An Assistant at Madame Watkin's: MJ Rodriguez
Stage Directions: Marie Christian
Editing: ToddHW

Genre(s): Drama

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Act 1 Group 01:11:15
Play 02 Act 2 Group 01:07:12
Play 03 Act 3 Group 00:56:43
Play 04 Act 4 Group 00:48:58
Play 05 Epilogue Group 00:29:48