In the Sweet Dry and Dry
Written just before Prohibition to entail the possible troubles that might happen en route. Both sides of the argument, or battle as the case may be, strike out with various over-top methods like legislating most fruits and vegetables as unsafe or intoxicating large groups with breathable alcohol. (Summary by Daryl Wor)
Genre(s): General Fiction, Humorous Fiction, Satire
Language: English
Section | Chapter | Reader | Time |
Play 00 | 00 - Dedication & Foreward | Daryl Wor |
00:01:17 |
Play 01 | 01 - The Mystery of the Unexpected Julep | Daryl Wor |
00:09:39 |
Play 02 | 02 - The House on Caraway Street | Daryl Wor |
00:22:12 |
Play 03 | 03 - Incident of the Gooseberry Bombs | Daryl Wor |
00:15:14 |
Play 04 | 04 - The Great War Begins | Daryl Wor |
00:18:09 |
Play 05 | 05 - The Treachery of Miss Chuff | Daryl Wor |
00:19:59 |
Play 06 | 06 - Departed Spirits | Daryl Wor |
00:18:45 |
Play 07 | 07 - The Decanterbury Pilgrims | Daryl Wor |
00:16:49 |
Play 08 | 08 - With Benefit of Clergy | Daryl Wor |
00:12:57 |
Play 09 | 09 - The Election | Daryl Wor |
00:16:28 |
Play 10 | 10 - E Pluribus Unum! | Daryl Wor |
00:18:05 |
Play 11 | 11 - It's a Long Worm That Has No Turning | Daryl Wor |
00:05:10 |