Little Masterpieces of Science - Explorers

George Iles (1852 - 1942)

"The love of adventure, the expectation of the unexpected, have ever prompted men stout of heart, and ready of resource, to brave the perils of wilderness and sea that they might set their feet where man never trod before." (George Iles in the preface)

This last in the series of Little Masterpieces of Science to be recorded for LibriVox includes essays by or about the explorations of Christopher Columbus, Lewis & Clark, Zebulon Pike, Charles Wilkes, Clarence King and John Wesley Powell. - Summary by J. M. Smallheer

Genre(s): Exploration

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 00 Preface J. M. Smallheer
Play 01 Columbus Discovers America by Justin Winsor Beeswaxcandle
Play 02 Arrival at the Pacific Ocean, 1805 by Lewis and Clarke Aubrey da Cunha
Play 03 The Sources of the Mississippi by Zebulon M. Pike Kerry Adams
Play 04 Manila in 1842 by Charles Wilkes Availle
Play 05 The Ascent of Mount Tyndall by Clarence King Srikar G
Play 06 The Grand CaƱon of the Colorado is Explored by John Wesley Powell Kurt