Lucian's Dialogues Volume 2: The Dialogues of the Sea-Gods

Lucian of Samosata (c. 125 - c. 180)
Translated by Howard Williams (1837 - 1931)

The Dialogues of the Sea-Gods are 15 miniature dialogues mocking the Homeric conception of the Greek gods, originally written in Attic Greek by Syrian author Lucian of Samosata. Almost 1900 years old, these dialogues still retain a lot of their original humor and wit. - Summary by Foon

Alpheius/Menelaus: ZoinkMeister Patrick
Amphitrite/Panope: alanmapstone
Cyclops: Nemo
Delphines/Amymone: Leanne Yau
Doris: Foon
Enipeus: Rob Marland
Galateia: Anita Sloma-Martinez
Galene/Xanthus: Jeanne Viray
Iphianassa: Pseudonymous Nerd
Iris: Availle
Notus: Stefan Von Blon
Poseidon: Larry Wilson
Protheus/Triton: Adam Bielka
Thalassa: B L Newman
Thetis: K.G.Cross
Zephyrus: Seaquill
Audio edited by Larry Wilson

Genre(s): Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity), Dramatic Readings, Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales

Language: English

Group: Dialogues of Lucian of Samosata

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 Dialogue I: Doris ridicules the figure and manners of Polyphemus, the lover of Galateia Foon
Anita Sloma-Martinez
Play 02 Dialogue II: Polyphemus complains to Poseidon, his father, of his treatment at the hands of Odysseus Group 00:04:04
Play 03 Dialogue III: Poseidon questions Alpheius, a river-god, respecting his amour with the nymph Arethusa Larry Wilson
ZoinkMeister Patrick
Play 04 Dialogue IV: Menelaus expresses to Proteus his incredulity in regard to the alleged miraculous transformations of that divinity Adam Bielka
ZoinkMeister Patrick
Play 05 Dialogue V: Panope relates to Galene the scene of the introduction of the golden apple … Alan Mapstone
Jeanne Viray
Play 06 Dialogue VI: The rape of Amymone by Poseidon Group 00:03:42
Play 07 Dialogue VII: Zephyrus recounts to Notus the metamorphosis and adventures of Io Group 00:02:52
Play 08 Dialogue VIII: At Poseidon's request, the dolphins narrate to him the story of Arion's escape Larry Wilson
Leanne Yau
Play 09 Dialogue IX: Poseidon and Amphitrite dispute as to the fitting place of burial for Helle … Group 00:03:21
Play 10 Dialogue X: Iris conveys to Poseidon the commands of Zeus that he should keep the island of Delos stationary, where Leto was to lie in Group 00:02:44
Play 11 Dialogue XI: The river Xanthus supplicates Thalassa (the sea) to receive him … B L Newman
Jeanne Viray
Play 12 Dialogue XII: Thethis relates to Doris the story of the exposure of Danae and her infant, Perseus Kristin G.
Play 13 Dialogue XIII: Enipeus reproaches Poseidon with the fraudulent seduction of the nymph Tyro. Poseidon excuses himself. Group 00:02:22
Play 14 Dialogue XIV: A Triton relates to the Nereids the story of the rescue of Andromeda by Perseus Group 00:05:22
Play 15 Dialogue XV: Zephyrus relates to Notus the manner of the rape of Europa, and the marine pomp with which she was conducted to her nuptials with Zeus Group 00:04:29