Dastardly Criminals in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. IV)


Conspiracy on Callisto - Frederik Pohl
Revolt was flaring on Callisto, and Peter Duane held the secret that would make the uprising a success or failure. Yet he could make no move, could favor no side—his memory was gone—he didn't know for whom he fought!

Prison of a Billion Years -CH Thames
A prison that it is literally impossible to break free from? How could this be?

Watchbird - Robert Sheckley
Machines that can accurately predict when crimes will happen? What a great money spinner? But where's Tom Cruise when you need him?

The Incomplete Theft - Ralph Burke
A grand new spaceship, tech that could win the war for the thief's planet! Infiltrating the construction team leaves but one task...

The Barbarians - Tom Godwin
An intergalactic emperor finds dastardly HUMANS entering his space. What to do?

Bleekman’s Planet - Ivar Jorgensen
A retired cop wants a quiet retirement, so he chooses to emigrate to the most isolated inhabited planet of them all. Little does he know who's REALLY in charge down there...

The Inquisitor - Randall Garrett
A machine that can judge criminality? Well, if it's a machine, it MUST be flawless.

Traitor’s Choice - Paul W Fairman
A terrible dilemma: tech to destroy the world, or your wife.

Hunting License - James V. McConnell
We really ought to let the mega rich have their fun. And we can get rid of those nasty criminals at the same time. Morality? Nah.

Bratton’s Idea - Manly Wade Wellman
Hey, doll...wait, doll's don't talk...or shoot... - Summary by The Reader

Genre(s): Detective Fiction, Science Fiction

Language: English

Group: Ed Reads Short Science Fiction

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 'Conspiracy on Callisto' by Frederik Pohl Frederik Pohl Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 02 'Prison of a Billion Years' by C.H. Thames Manly Wade Wellman Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 03 'Watchbird' by Robert Sheckley Robert Sheckley Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 04 'The Incomplete Theft' by Randall Garrett and Robert Silverberg Various Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 05 'An Incident on Route 12' by James H. Schmitz James H. Schmitz Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 06 'The Barbarians' by Tom Godwin Tom Godwin Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 07 'Pick a Crime' by Richard R. Smith Richard R. Smith Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 08 'Bleekman's Planet' by Randall Garrett and Robert Silverberg Various Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 09 'The Inquisitor' by Robert Silverberg Robert Silverberg Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 10 'Traitors Choice' by Paul W. Fairman Paul W. Fairman Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 11 'Hunting License' by James V. McConnell James V. McConnell Etext Edmund Bloxam
Play 12 'Bratton's Idea' by Manly Made Wellman Manly Wade Wellman Etext Edmund Bloxam