Bringing up the Boy

Carl Werner (1873 - 1945)

''Bringing up the Boy'' is, according to its subtitle, ''A Message to Fathers and Mothers from a Boy of Yesterday concerning the Men of To-morrow'' and proffers advice for parents on raising boys from infancy until adulthood, to become fine, upstanding men. The fact that boys are temperamentally, emotionally and physically different from girls is never lost sight of in the discussions in the various chapters. Discussions include: advice on allowing boys to settle their own differences, without interference, but with advice; the Santa Claus myth; the best ways to discipline the boy, to ensure he gets the message; advice on how to talk with your boy regarding smoking, drinking, sex, puberty, and keeping a clean mind as well as a clean body. The author's advice is from his experiences in raising his boy, and the fact that he was once a boy. So many parents often forget that they were once boys and girls themselves. (Donald Cummings)

Genre(s): *Non-fiction, Family & Relationships

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 00 Foreword Donald Cummings
Play 01 From Baby to Boy Donald Cummings
Play 02 The Simplicity of Discipline Donald Cummings
Play 03 As the Twig Is Bent Donald Cummings
Play 04 A Talk at Christmas Time Donald Cummings
Play 05 The Dynasty of the Dime Novel Donald Cummings
Play 06 The Sin of Sex Secrecy Donald Cummings
Play 07 The Weed and the Winecup Donald Cummings
Play 08 Out into the World Donald Cummings