A Dramatic Version of Greek Myths and Hero Tales
This is a collection of 25 short plays, each covering a different Greek myth or tale. From the famous epics such as Theseus' journey to slay the Minotaur or Jason's foray to obtain the Golden Fleece, to lesser known stories such as Arion's struggles with greedy sailors or Latona's woes with rude locals. From foundational myths like the unleashing of evil's into the world with Pandora's box or the abduction of Proserpina that led to the world's changing seasons, to tales of Perseus' various travels saving princesses and slaying gorgons. From stories of tragic love such as Orpheus' doomed quest to save his lost love Eurydice or the sea separating Halcyone from her husband Ceyx, to more hopeful tales like the perseverance of Psyche to reunite with Cupid or the enduring love of Philemon and Baucis. And many more! See the downfalls of pride, the rewards of determination, the wrath of the gods and cleverness of humanity, and all in nice digestible chunks of a one-act play format.
Note: this text came with a pronunciation index, attempts were made to follow it to stay true to the desires of the author but many are now known to be incorrect.
(Summary by Inkell)
1. Pandora. DPL for this play is LCaulkins
Stage Directions: Inkell
Pandora: Winnifred Assmann
Epimethus: AliceStein
Hope: Claudia Caldi
Jupiter: Alan Mapstone
Mercury: ToddHW
Venus: Agnes Robert Behr
Apollo: Greg Giordano
Neptune: lorda
2. Daphne. DPL for this play is LCaulkins
Stage Directions: Inkell
Daphne: Jenn Broda
Peneus: Alan Mapstone
Apollo: Greg Giordano
Cupid: Michael Faze
Venus: Agnes Robert Behr
3. The Transformation of Io. DPL for this play is LCaulkins
Stage Directions: Inkell
Argus: Agnes Robert Behr
Jupiter: Alan Mapstone
Juno: Larry Wilson
Mercury: ToddHW
4. Latona and the Rustics. DPL for this play is LCaulkins
Stage Directions: Inkell
Latona: Owler
First Countryman: lorda
Second Countryman: Agnes Robert Behr
Third Countryman: Chuck Williamson
Fourth Countryman: Alan Mapstone
5. Phaethon. DPL for this play is LCaulkins
Stage Directions: Inkell
Phaethon: HelloCentral
Phoebus: Ehsan Ahmed Mehedi
Earth: Agnes Robert Behr
Jupiter: Alan Mapstone
Mercury: ToddHW
Vulcan: David Purdy
6. Midas and Bacchus. DPL for this play is wib66
Stage Directions: Inkell
Midas: Beeswaxcandle
Bacchus: Alan Mapstone
Silenus: AliceStein
Slave: Chuck Williamson
Daughter of Midas: Agnes Robert Behr
7. Midas and Apollo. DPL for this play is wib66
Stage Directions: Inkell
Midas: Beeswaxcandle
Apollo: Greg Giordano
Pan: Alan Mapstone
Hairdresser: Winnifred Assmann
Hairdresser's Wife: AliceStein
First Shepherd: Agnes Robert Behr
Second Shepherd: Sonia
Third Shepherd: David Purdy
Tmolus: lorda
8. Philemon and Baucis. DPL for this play is wib66
Stage Directions: Inkell
Philemon: David Purdy
Baucis: Agnes Robert Behr
Jupiter: Alan Mapstone
Mercury: ToddHW
9. Proserpina. DPL for this play is wib66
Stage Directions: Inkell
Proserpina: AliceStein
Pluto: Larry Wilson
Ceres: Belinda McReynolds
Jupiter: Alan Mapstone
Mercury: ToddHW
Arethusa: Agnes Robert Behr
Metanira: Owler
Celeus: David Purdy
Attendant: LuMiness
10. Ceyx and Halcyone. DPL for this play is wib66
Stage Directions: Inkell
Ceyx: Winnifred Assmann
Halcyone: Agnes Robert Behr
Juno: Larry Wilson
Iris: Lynette Caulkins
Somnus: Alan Mapstone
Morpheus: David Purdy
Nurse: AliceStein
Voice: Owler
11. Cupid and Psyche. DPL for this play is AliceStein
Stage Directions: Inkell
Cupid: Michael Faze
Psyche: Nova Silva
Venus: Agnes Robert Behr
Ceres: Belinda McReynolds
First Sister: Stacey Malcolm
Second Sister: Hannah Lake
King: Alan Mapstone
Queen: Owler
12. Cadmus. DPL for this play is AliceStein
Stage Directions: Inkell
Cadmus: João Senna
Europa: Alessandra Laguit
First Maiden: RosiesReading
Second Maiden: Sonia
Third Maiden: Agnes Robert Behr
Fourth Maiden: Elsie Selwyn
First Phoenician: ShrimpPhish
Second Phoenician: lorda
Third Phoenician: David Purdy
Oracle: Alan Mapstone
Voice: Owler
13. Narcissus. DPL for this play is Winnifred
Stage Directions: Inkell
Narcissus: Hansen1021
Echo: Claudia Caldi
First Nymph: Agnes Robert Behr
Second Nymph: Alessandra Laguit
Third Nymph: Sonia
Fourth Nymph: Elsie Selwyn
Juno: Larry Wilson
Tiresias: Alan Mapstone
Liriope: AliceStein
Maiden: Hannah Lake
14. Arachne. DPL for this play is Winnifred
Stage Directions: Inkell
Arachne: Anna Shirey
Minerva: AliceStein
First Maiden: RosiesReading
Second Maiden: Sonia
Third Maiden: Agnes Robert Behr
Fourth Maiden: Elsie Selwyn
15. Niobe. DPL for this play is AliceStein
Stage Directions: Inkell
Niobe: Anna Shirey
First Woman: Sonia
Second Woman: Alessandra Laguit
Third Woman: Agnes Robert Behr
Fourth Woman: Alan Mapstone
Latona: Owler
Apollo: Greg Giordano
Diana: Hannah Lake
16. Perseus and Medusa. DPL for this play is Winnifred
Stage Directions: Inkell
Perseus: Beeswaxcandle
Polydectes: T. Craft
First Courtier: Alan Mapstone
Second Courtier: Sonia
Third Courtier: David Purdy
Fourth Courtier: Agnes Robert Behr
Mercury: ToddHW
Minerva: AliceStein
Attendant: LuMiness
17. Perseus and Atlas. DPL for this play is Winnifred
Stage Directions: Inkell
Perseus: Beeswaxcandle
Atlas: Alan Mapstone
18. Perseus and Andromeda. DPL for this play is Winnifred
Stage Directions: Inkell
Perseus: Beeswaxcandle
Andromeda: T. Craft
Cepheus: Alan Mapstone
Cassiopeia: AliceStein
Phineus: Winnifred Assmann
Noble: Agnes Robert Behr
19. Jason. DPL for this play is alanmapstone
Stage Directions: Inkell
Jason: David Purdy
Medea: Agnes Robert Behr
Pelias: AliceStein
Phineus: Winnifred Assmann
Aeetes: Alan Mapstone
First Argonaut: Sonia
Second Argonaut: Brian Fullen
Third Argonaut: Jon Hunter
Fourth Argonaut: redrun
First Citizen: ShrimpPhish
Second Citizen: lorda
Third Citizen: Larry Wilson
Courtier: Elsie Selwyn
Attendant: LuMiness
20. Atalanta. DPL for this play is AliceStein
Stage Directions: Inkell
Atalanta: WoollyLambda
Hippomenes: Jon Hunter
Atalanta's Father: Alan Mapstone
First Woman: Sonia
Second Woman: ShrimpPhish
Third Woman: Agnes Robert Behr
First Man: Chuck Williamson
Second Man: Brian Fullen
Third Man: David Purdy
Fourth Man: redrun
21. Theseus. DPL for this play is alanmapstone
Stage Directions: Inkell
Theseus: Alan Mapstone
Medea: Agnes Robert Behr
Aegeus: HelloCentral
Ariadne: Anna Shirey
Minos: AliceStein
Aethra: Alessandra Laguit
Pittheus: Brian Fullen
First Athenian: lorda
Second Athenian: Chuck Williamson
Third Athenian: David Purdy
Fourth Athenian: Jon Hunter
First Youth: Elsie Selwyn
Second Youth: ShrimpPhish
Third Youth: Winnifred Assmann
First Maiden: RosiesReading
Second Maiden: Sonia
22. Daedalus and Icarus. DPL for this play is alanmapstone
Stage Directions: Inkell
Daedalus: Alan Mapstone
Icarus: David Purdy
Cocalus: Agnes Robert Behr
23. Alcestis. DPL for this play is AliceStein
Stage Directions: Inkell
Admetus: ToddHW
Hercules: Algy Pug
Apollo: Greg Giordano
Jupiter: Alan Mapstone
Father: Agnes Robert Behr
Attendant: LuMiness
24. Orpheus and Eurydice. DPL for this play is alanmapstone
Stage Directions: Inkell
Orpheus: Alan Mapstone
First Nymph: Agnes Robert Behr
Second Nymph: Alessandra Laguit
Third Nymph: Sonia
Nymph: Hannah Lake
Proserpina: AliceStein
Pluto: Larry Wilson
25. Arion. DPL for this play is alanmapstone
Stage Directions: Inkell
Arion: Adrian Stephens
Periander: Alan Mapstone
First Seaman: Sonia
Second Seaman: Agnes Robert Behr
Third Seaman: David Purdy
Genre(s): Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales, Plays
Language: English
Section | Chapter | Reader | Time |
Play 01 | Pandora | Group | 00:12:35 |
Play 02 | Daphne | Group | 00:09:28 |
Play 03 | The Transformation of Io | Group | 00:10:55 |
Play 04 | Latona and the Rustics | Group | 00:05:27 |
Play 05 | Phaethon | Group | 00:13:18 |
Play 06 | Midas and Bacchus | Group | 00:11:09 |
Play 07 | Midas and Apollo | Group | 00:10:02 |
Play 08 | Philemon and Baucis | Group | 00:12:37 |
Play 09 | Proserpina | Group | 00:18:45 |
Play 10 | Ceyx and Halcyone | Group | 00:13:35 |
Play 11 | Cupid and Psyche | Group | 00:16:11 |
Play 12 | Cadmus | Group | 00:11:05 |
Play 13 | Narcissus | Group | 00:10:26 |
Play 14 | Arachne | Group | 00:09:06 |
Play 15 | Niobe | Group | 00:08:40 |
Play 16 | Perseus and Medusa | Group | 00:10:13 |
Play 17 | Perseus and Atlas | Group | 00:03:25 |
Play 18 | Perseus and Andromeda | Group | 00:08:14 |
Play 19 | Jason | Group | 00:14:41 |
Play 20 | Atalanta | Group | 00:06:23 |
Play 21 | Theseus | Group | 00:18:10 |
Play 22 | Daedalus and Icarus | Group | 00:09:14 |
Play 23 | Alcestis | Group | 00:15:49 |
Play 24 | Orpheus and Eurydice | Group | 00:11:01 |
Play 25 | Arion | Group | 00:10:46 |