A Catechism of Familiar Things; Their History, and the Events Which Led to Their Discovery

William James McGlothlin (1867 - 1933)

This book, a reprint of a successful English publication, has been so enlarged as to be to all intents and purposes new. It has been carefully revised by a Reverend gentleman, who for some time filled the chair of Physics and Chemistry in one of our colleges. Recent inventions and improvements are described in a simple, popular style, so as to be easily understood by all, and short notices are given of prominent inventors and scientists. The paragraphs relating to doctrinal matters conform in every respect to the teachings of the Church. A feature which will commend the book to every teacher is the definitions of difficult words and terms, following the paragraphs in which such words occur. (from the Preface)

Genre(s): *Non-fiction, Science

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 00 Front matter Paul Williams
Play 01 Dew, Water, Rain, Snow, Hail, Atmosphere, Wind, Lightning, Thunder, Electricity, Twilight, and the Aurora Borealis Kalynda
Play 02 Corn, Barley, Pearl Barley, Oats, Rye, Potatoes, Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate Jonathan Horniblow
Play 03 Calico, Cotton, Cloth, Wool, Baize, Linen, Flax, Hemp, Diaper, Holland, Canvas, and Flannel Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Play 04 Cocoa, Toddy, Cherries, Bark, Cork, Cochineal, Cloves, Cinnamon, and Cassia Jonathan Horniblow
Play 05 Bombazine, Crape, Camlet, Cambric, Lace, Silk, Velvet, and Mohair Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Play 06 Currants, Raisins, Figs, Rice, Sugar, Sugar Candy, &c., Sago, Millet, Ginger, Nutmeg, Mace, Pimento or Allspice, Pepper, and Cayenne Pepper Jonathan Horniblow
Play 07 Glass, Mirrors, Earthenware, Porcelain, Needles, Pins, Paper, Printing, Parchment, and Vellum Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Play 08 Capers, Almonds, Oranges, Lemons, Citrons, Limes, Olives, Oils, Melons, Tamarinds, and Dates Jonathan Horniblow
Play 09 Hats, Stockings, Shoes, Gloves, Leather, Furs, and Ink Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Play 10 Asbestus, Salt, Coal, Iron, Copper, Brass, Zinc, and Lapis Calaminaris Cori Samuel
Jonathan Horniblow
Play 11 Yams, Mangoes, Bread-Fruit, Shea or Butter Tree, Cow Tree, Water Tree, Licorice, Manna, Opium, Tobacco, and Gum David Barnes
Play 12 Spectacles, Mariner's Compass, Barometer, Thermometer, Watches, Clocks, Telescope, Microscope, Gunpowder, Steam Engine, and Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Ashwin Jain
Play 13 Soap, Candles, Tallow Tree, Spermaceti, Wax, Mahogany, India Rubber or Caoutchouc, Sponge, Coral, Lime, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Gas, Hydrogen, Chalk, and Marble Sibella Denton
Play 14 Gold, Silver, Lead, Tin, Platina, Sulphur, Gems or Precious Stones—as Diamonds, Rubies, Emeralds, Turquois, Pearls, Mother-of-Pearl, and Ivory Denny Sayers (d. 2015)
Play 15 Starch, Arrow-root, Tapioca, Isinglass, Caviare, the Vine, Wine, Gin, Rum, Brandy, Vinegar, Indigo, Gamboge, Logwood, Tar, Pitch, Camphor, Musk, Myrrh, Frankincense, and Turpentine Sibella Denton
Play 16 Bricks, Mortar, Granite, Slate, Limestone, or Calcareous Rocks, Steel, Earths, Volcanoes, and Earthquakes Sibella Denton
Play 17 Architecture, Sculpture, Use of Money, and Navigation Kalynda
Play 18 Music, Painting, Poetry, Astronomy, Arts and Sciences, Art of Writing, and Chemistry Sibella Denton
Play 19 Attraction, Tides, Gravity, Artesian Wells, Air, Aneroid Barometer, Ear-Trumpet, Stethoscope, Audiphone, Telephone, Phonograph, Microphone, Megaphone, Tasimeter, Bathometer, Anemometer, Chronometer rachelellen
Play 20 Light, Lime Light, Magnesium Light, Electric Light, Rainbow, Prism, Spectrum, Colors, Photography, Camera Obscura, Stereoscope, Kaleidoscope Kara Shallenberg (1969-2023)
Play 21 Electricity, Electric Currents, Electric Battery, Electrotyping, Stereotyping, Telegraph, Ocean Cable, Lightning Rod, The Gulf Stream, The Mt. Cenis Tunnel, The Suez Canal, Suspension Bridges, Eminent Americans Sibella Denton