August, 2006

Newsfeed of New Releases back with new URL

Posted on August 5, 2006 by | Posted in News, Uncategorized | Comments: 2 Comments on Newsfeed of New Releases back with new URL

Some of you might have noticed that the Feed of New Releases isn’t updated anymore or returns error-messages in your feed-aggregator.

This is due to the unfortunate terrible disaster that struck our feed service provider Our feed is gone along with the complete database of 10.000 other feeds of blogs and websites from around the globe. Rapidfeeds is shocked to their bones. They write: “This came to us as a shock of our lives. We were literally traumatized. We have devoted one and a half years to RapidFeeds; never saw it as a profit-making machine; have run it as a free service but never treated as one.”

Our sincerest condolences to the rapidfeed guys. They did an awesome job with this service and they offered it for free!

We continue to provide you with a Feed of New Releases through this URL. Please subscribe again:


LibriVox on Ebay

Posted on August 2, 2006 by | Posted in Uncategorized | Comments: Comments Off on LibriVox on Ebay

We get asked, occasionally if we provide CDs of our audio. The answer is … er, not really. We would *like* to do it, and we’ve talked about it, but no group of volunteers have yet to step up with a comprehensive plan for how to make it work. And we go only where our volunteers go. In fact, LibriVox is entirely, completely, without reserve, a volunteer effort – so if no one volunteers to do something, it doesn’t get done.

Enter the “Free Market”! … Someone decided that LibriVox recordings *should* be available in CD format, and is selling a number of them on ebBay.

So if you would like LibriVox CDs, here’s a way to get them (for a price).

NOTE: LibriVox is not affiliated with this seller, and we receive nothing from the sale.


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