The Bruised Reed

Richard Sibbes (1577 - 1635)

Richard Sibbes was a Puritan pastor and theologian in the 17th century. His best known work, The Bruised Reed, is based on a Scripture verse from Matt. 12:20: "A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory." Sibbes uses this text to respond to the despondent thoughts and fears that many Christians have. He draws a picture of Christ's gentleness and mercy for the Christians who feel themselves small and weak. The Bruised Reed is full of an amazing amount of soul-comfort. I cannot recommend it highly enough, especially to Christians struggling with depression, regret, or fear.

The publishers' foreword quotes Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones, who said:

"I shall never cease to be grateful to . . . Richard Sibbes who was balm to my soul at a period in my life when I was overworked and badly overtired, and therefore subject in an unusual manner to the onslaughts of the devil. In that state and condition . . . what you need is some gentle, tender treatment for your soul. I found at that time that Richard Sibbes, who was known in London in the early seventeenth century as 'the heavenly Doctor Sibbes', was an unfailing remedy. His books The Bruised Reed and The Soul's Conflict quietened, soothed, comforted, encouraged and healed me."

(Introduction by rosea)

Genre(s): Christianity - Commentary

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 00 00 - Publishers' Foreword RoseA
Play 01 01 - The Reed and the Bruising RoseA
Play 02 02 - Christ Will Not Break the Bruised Reed RoseA
Play 03 03 - The Smoking Flax RoseA
Play 04 04 - Christ Will Not Quench the Smoking Flax RoseA
Play 05 05 - The Spirit of Mercy Should Move Us RoseA
Play 06 06 - Marks of the Smoking Flax RoseA
Play 07 07 - Help for the Weak RoseA
Play 08 08 - Duties and Discouragements RoseA
Play 09 09 - Believe Christ, Not Satan RoseA
Play 10 10 - Quench Not the Spirit RoseA
Play 11 11 - Christ's Judgment and Victory RoseA
Play 12 12 - Christ's Wise Government RoseA
Play 13 13 - Grace Shall Reign RoseA
Play 14 14 - Means to Make Grace Victorious RoseA
Play 15 15 - Christ's Public Triumph RoseA
Play 16 16 - Through Conflict to Victory RoseA