Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 033


Eighteen short nonfiction works in the public domain, independently chosen by the readers. Topics include astronomy, religion, United States history, football, child raising, Tokyo firebombing, and more. (summary by Sue Anderson)

Genre(s): Essays & Short Works

Language: English

Group: Short Nonfiction Collections

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 The Alcoran of Mohamet: Chapters 78 - 86 Alexander Ross Etext Nicholas James Bridgewater
00:24:03 en
Play 02 The Alcoran of Mohamet: Chapters 87 - 114 Alexander Ross Etext Nicholas James Bridgewater
00:28:06 en
Play 03 The Arabic Language: A Lecture Given on December 3, 1868: Part 1 Thomas Chenery Etext Nicholas James Bridgewater
00:46:45 en
Play 04 The Arabic Language: A Lecture Given on December 3, 1868: Part 2 Thomas Chenery Etext Nicholas James Bridgewater
00:45:06 en
Play 05 The Coming of the Forward Pass Elmer Berry Etext Edmund Bloxam
00:43:34 en
Play 06 Concerning the Blessing of God In The Goods of This World Jakob Böhme Etext Craig Campbell
00:03:20 en
Play 07 Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson Etext ACBowgus
00:10:44 en
Play 08 Effects of Incendiary Bomb Attacks on Tokyo, Japan, Part 1 United States Strategic Bombing Survey Etext Isana
00:44:18 en
Play 09 Effects of Incendiary Bomb Attacks on Tokyo, Japan, Part 2 United States Strategic Bombing Survey Etext Isana
00:45:35 en
Play 10 First Approach to Mt. Rainier (1833) William Fraser Tolmie Etext Sue Anderson
00:17:33 en
Play 11 First Inaugural Address, April 30, 1789 George Washington Etext Tip Brown
00:09:20 en
Play 12 An Instrument for Observing the Moon's Distance from the Fix'd Stars at Sea Sir Isaac Newton Etext Availle
00:04:20 en
Play 13 The Liberty of Children Robert G. Ingersoll Etext Julia Niedermaier
00:34:19 en
Play 14 Mathematical Theology Augustus De Morgan Etext Craig Campbell
00:03:42 en
Play 15 A Modest Proposal Jonathan Swift Etext ACBowgus
00:23:20 en
Play 16 Reports of Major General U. S. Grant, April 4-5 April 10-15, 1862. Ulysses S. Grant Etext Delmar H Dolbier
00:13:45 en
Play 17 Save The Redwoods John Muir Etext Michele Fry
00:10:17 en
Play 18 Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1793 George Washington Etext Tip Brown
00:01:36 en