International Women's Literature Collection


This is a collection of works -- short stories or poetry -- by women writers in English from around the world and first published before 1923. (Summary by BellonaTimes)

Genre(s): Anthologies, Anthologies, Literary Collections

Language: English

Section Chapter Author Source Reader Time Language
Play 01 First Love Emilia Pardo Bazán Etext eicberin
00:19:01 en
Play 02 The Reckoning Edith Wharton Etext Bellona Times
00:53:42 en
Play 03 Hymn for Holy Wednesday Saint Kassia Etext Rachel Klippenstein
00:01:31 en
Play 04 Xingu Edith Wharton Etext Elizabeth Klett
00:51:56 en
Play 05 Miss Grief Constance Fenimore Woolson Etext Elizabeth Klett
00:50:22 en
Play 06 April 25th As Usual Edna Ferber Etext Bellona Times
00:56:44 en
Play 07 The Stones of Five Colors Yei Theodora Ozaki Etext Bellona Times
00:19:30 en
Play 08 This Enlightened Age Ada Cambridge Etext Elizabeth Barr
00:04:20 en