George Washington

Calista McCabe Courtenay

In this biography for young people, Calista McCabe Courtenay takes the reader from George Washington the surveyor to his early military career, first as a colonel in the Virginia militia and then as a member of General Braddock'a staff during the French and Indian War. He later commanded the Virginia forces before joining the First Continental Congress. Much of the book is devoted to his campaigns during the American Revolution. At the end, we see him as President for two terms. (Summary by Bill Boerst)

Genre(s): Biography

Language: English

Section Chapter Reader Time
Play 01 1 -- Chapter 1 Bill Boerst
Play 02 2 -- Chapter 2 Bill Boerst
Play 03 3 -- Chapter 3 Bill Boerst
Play 04 4 -- Chapter 4 Bill Boerst
Play 05 5 -- Chapter 5 Bill Boerst
Play 06 6 -- Chapter 6 Bill Boerst
Play 07 7 -- Chapter 7 Bill Boerst
Play 08 8 -- Chapter 8 Bill Boerst