Specially Conducted Ten little ladies, looking from a train, Ten little Ulsters, proof against the rain, Ten little novels, made at Franklin Square, Ten little spirits, strong to do and dare; All of them as like as peas in a pod, Every one who sees them gives a friendly nod: Specially conducted--off the ladies go-- When they come back again, what a lot they'll know! Pussy's Lives One in the fiddle and one in the well-- Nine lives has the cat, as I've heard tell: I've seen her at home in the strangest places, 'Mong silks and satins, and ribbons and laces; But I wish she would cease to lay her down In that new bonnet I brought from town. On a Fan Three little ladies, sitting on a fan. Made a long journey, by sea, from Japan; One of them smiles with a moony smile. The others are seasick, and frown meanwhile. Pretty little lady, smiling on the fan, Did you leave your sweetheart off there in Japan? Why Just to bloom beside your way-- That is why the flowers are sweet: You want fresh ones every day-- That is why the flowers are fleet. If Only Joe If only Joe would come this way, I'd rather be myself, to-day, Than have gold and silver and jewels to count, Or the prettiest dappled pony to mount. Or three silk gowns and a chain of gold, As some folks have, so I've been told; I'd be content with my hodden gray, If only Joe would come this way.