Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

15 of 15 (100%) sections assigned

15 of 15 (100%) sections completed

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
1 Hungarian - A gizehi pergamen-lapok  dii PL OK
2 Italian - Il bove  DarkCoffee PL OK
3 Italian - Nel carrozzone dei profughi  DarkCoffee PL OK
4 Latin - Passer  bropops4 PL OK
5 Japanese - Imado Gitsune  ekzemplaro PL OK
6 Latin - Carmina, liber primus, carmen novem  bropops4 PL OK
7 French - Les trois arbres d"Hudimesnil, extrait d"A l'ombre des jeunes filles en fleurs  bropops4 PL OK
8 Russian - Истина (Istina)  ShiNeko PL OK
9 French - Le Baron de Charlus, extrait de Sodome et Gomorrhe  bropops4 PL OK
10 Polish - Z cmentarzy  krzys PL OK
11 French - Le crime au père Boniface  Babylon5 PL OK
12 French - La question du latin  Babylon5 PL OK
13 Polish - Koncert Wojskiego (fragment księgi IV "Pana Tadeusza"  Piotrek81 PL OK
14 French - L'épagneul maitre d'école  bricara PL OK
15 Portuguese - Prosopopéia  Leni PL OK