Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

13 of 13 (100%) sections assigned

13 of 13 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: WoollyBee

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 00 - Preface  kathrinee PL OK
1 01 - The Christening  kathrinee PL OK
2 02 - School-days  AmazingLove429 PL OK
3 03 - A Visit to the Hacienda  jillebean PL OK
4 04 - At the Alhambra  jillebean PL OK
5 05 - Antonio's Story  jillebean PL OK
6 06 - The Holidays  ppcunningham PL OK
7 07 - Easter in Sevilla  peppersnoodles93 PL OK
8 08 - Rainy Days  kathrinee PL OK
9 09 -To The Country  peppersnoodles93 PL OK
10 10 - Games and Sports  tekksavvy318 PL OK
11 11 - A Tertulia  silverquill PL OK
12 12 - Viva el Rey !  peppersnoodles93 PL OK