Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

14 of 14 (100%) sections assigned

14 of 14 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: wib66

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 Introduction  wib66 PL OK
1 Letters I through VII  jonmiller PL OK
2 Letters VIII through XIV  jonmiller PL OK
3 Letters XV through XXIII  jonmiller PL OK
4 Letters XXIV through XXIX  Lynnet PL OK
5 Letters XXX through XXXVII  jenniferrd PL OK
6 Letters XXXVIII through XL  artschild PL OK
7 Letters XLI through XLIII  jenniferrd PL OK
8 Letters XLIV through L  wib66 PL OK
9 Letters LI through LVI  Lynnet PL OK
10 Letters LVII through LXI  soumenbarua PL OK
11 Letters LXII through LXVI  Lynnet PL OK
12 Letters LXVII through LXIX  Lynnet PL OK
13 Letters LXX through LXXIV  Lynnet PL OK