Completed chapters are marked in this color.

Assigned chapters are marked in this color.

23 of 23 (100%) sections assigned

23 of 23 (100%) sections completed

This project has a dedicated proof-listener who will listen to all sections: KiltedDragon

SectionTitleReaderNotesListen UrlStatus
0 00 - Dedication, Preface, Introduction, Contents  rideforever PL OK
1 01 - Why the chipmunk's back is striped  rideforever PL OK
2 02 - How the ducks got their fine feathers  rideforever PL OK
3 03 - Why the kingfisher always wears a war-bonnet  rideforever PL OK
4 04 - Why the curlew's bill is long and crooked  rideforever PL OK
5 05 - Old-man remarks the world  rideforever PL OK
6 06 - Why Blackfeet never kill mice  rideforever PL OK
7 07 - How the otter skin became great "medicine"  rideforever PL OK
8 08 - Old-man steals the sun's leggings  rideforever PL OK
9 09 - Old-man and his conscience  rideforever PL OK
10 10 - Old-man's treachery  rideforever PL OK
11 11 - Why the night-hawk's wings are beautiful  rideforever PL OK
12 12 - Why the mountain-lion is long and lean  rideforever PL OK
13 13 - The fire-leggings  rideforever PL OK
14 14 - The moon and the great snake  rideforever PL OK
15 15 - Why the deer has no gall  rideforever PL OK
16 16 - Why indians whip the buffalo-berries from the bushes  rideforever PL OK
17 17 - Old-man and the fox  rideforever PL OK
18 18 - Why the birch-tree wears the slashes in its bark  rideforever PL OK
19 19 - Mistakes of old-man  rideforever PL OK
20 20 - How the man found his mate  rideforever PL OK
21 21 - Dreams  rideforever PL OK
22 22 - Retrospection  rideforever PL OK